[hider=Pre-Duel Shenanigans] It was another day, and that meant another Duel. Venwyn listened to the announcement as it happened. The lights had turned off, but he could still see fairly well in spite of it - as shown in his previous escapade with Transformer. He didn't comment on the bodysuited men, it was far from magical to him. Instead, he quickly skimmed over the rules of the event in time for the teacher to announce the teams. He was teamed up Ethel, the particularly volatile student that went from quiet to explosive in her last duel. Upon the teacher's departure, the other students would find that Venwyn was already sitting down on the field of the arena, waiting for everyone else who would be a part of Duel to arrive. When he had actually moved onto the field was a mystery. Ethel just stared at the ridiculous show unfolding before her, but decided to play along still. The pamphlet being put into Ethel's hand, though, surprised her just a little. Discovering where it came from turned out to be easier than expected. Somehow, everyone seemed to screw up their performance at the exact same time and the whole show fell apart, causing that previously energetic teacher to just give up in defeat. Ethel looked over the rules in her hands now... Seemed to be a simple tag duel, though she didn't know who her partner was due to not having paid attention. That issue got resolved quickly, though, as they seemed to appear out of nowhere on the playing field. Ethel decided to make her way there as well, rising up from her seat. The pony-tailed boy she sat next to had seemingly left already for their own arena... The girl made her way through the crowd gracefully and stepped on the field without any sign of the anger she showed the day before. Yin had been standing in the back, leaning against the wall. For one it was just more like her, two she didn't want to sit down and risk falling asleep again, though she did seem more rested than most of these people so that was a plus. Unfortunately since she wasn't sitting down this meant she got left out from the screwed up trick, which was actually quite amusing to see. However once the nonsense had ended and the teams were announced Yin walked towards the arena and grabbed some random guy's pamphlet and read the rules quickly. She didn't like the fact that her life points would be tied to someone else's though, that part kind of sucked. As Yin approached the field she threw the pamphlet over her shoulder at another random kid as her feet finally hit the arena. Her opponents didn't seem all too impressive. She was up against the girl who lost in seven turns, though she was facing a douche bag, in her defense. The second one clearly needed a reality check though. Quite frankly Yin could care less that the guy appeared on the field before the lights were turned on, nor the fact that he dressed differently. Quite frankly so did she. The one thing that was really [i]off[/i] about this guy, was that hair. In any event all they were waiting on now was her own teammate. Of course, dozing off just briefly after learning where his duel would be, the rules and who his partner was must have been both fortunate and unfortunate, but hopefully none of the three would mind his lack of availability. Somehow, plastic chairs provided him with the comfort of sleep which is genuinely surprising, however gaining the knowledge just prior to his slumber could be seen as lucky as he had discovered online that learning stuff before you sleep somehow makes you remember it easier. In any case, he stumbled down the stairs and decided to go into a gentle jog down them after tripping slightly - trying to make it look purposeful. At the bottom of his descent, he located the area in which the duel he was partaking in was designated and strolled over to the other three, before muttering a small apology through his timidness. He sat down next to a girl that had an atmosphere of hostility and intimidation, giving him a sense of discomfort and alertness; this could, in all fairness, be what he needs to succeed in a duel. [color=55AE3A]"Hey."[/color] It was a half mumbled, extremely tired, voice that decided to break the silence. Ethel was staring off into space for a while, not really all that bothered by the time lost when the fourth member of this duel wasn't deciding to show up. It was actually only when they themselves said something that the girl had noticed the other arrived. [color=7ea7d8]"Oh... Hello..."[/color] Floyd's quiet voice was matched by yet another silent one, that of Ethel's. [color=7ea7d8]"Is that everyone, then...?"[/color] Yin frowned at Floyd clearly a bit displeased. "Well I suppose we are all here. Shall we get this done and over with then?" At this point Yin had looked back at her opponents her voice clearly stating how unhappy she was with the current situation as she backed up to her position and activated her Duel Disk. [/hider] [hider=Salt Squad VS. Neckbeard, Princess Guarding, Dragons] [b][u]Turn 1: Floyd & Yin[/u][/b] Floyd 8000 LP, 5 cards in hand Yin 8000 LP, 5 cards in hand Venwyn 8000 LP, 5 cards in hand Ethel 8000 LP, 5 cards in hand Floyd was first in the duel, holding his five cards so close to his face that it covered both his mouth and nose. He quickly decided that the first course of action would be to activate Pot of Duality. The three cards revealed by the effect were Black Cat-astrophe, Mirror Force and Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands. "Hm." Floyd would never pass up the opportunity of destruction and decided to choose Mirror Force. Next, he set a monster and one card and gestured that he had finished his acts. Yin looked over at her teammate and sighed. She wasn't sure of anything he was doing let alone what his deck held. In that case she'd have to play it carefully until she figured it out. "First off I'm going to play Armed Dragon LV3, followed by setting one card face down. That'll be it for us this turn it would seem." Yin really hated this situation of getting paired with some random person, but it couldn't be helped. [b]Armed Dragon LV3 1200 ATK 900 DEF Level 3 WIND Dragon[/b] [b][u]Turn 2: Venwyn & Ethel[/u][/b] Floyd 8000 LP, 3 cards in hand, 1 Set Monster, 1 S/T Yin 8000 LP, 3 cards in hand, 1 Monster, 1 S/T Venwyn 8000 LP, 6 cards in hand Ethel 8000 LP, 6 cards in hand Ethel drew her first five cards, fanning them out. Afterwards she let out a faint [color=7ea7d8]"Draw."[/color] signalling the turn having started. One of the cards caught the bluenette's eye, and it wasn't in a good way. Why oh why did she have to draw that again...? She shot a glance at Venwyn, hoping he'd have some better luck. [color=7ea7d8]"You make your move first..."[/color] [color=7bcdc8]"Alright,"[/color] Venwyn said. He outstretched his arm once more as his Duel Disk came to life, unfolding and setting itself with a few clicks, just as it had in his last duel. He drew his cards in addition to the sixth one. He smiled briefly towards Ethel. He was somewhat happy with what he had drawn. [color=7bcdc8]"I place a face down monster, and two face down cards."[/color] He announced, performing the actions as he called them. [color=7bcdc8]"Continue."[/color] The boy said bluntly, urging Ethel to proceed. [color=7ea7d8]"...I set two cards, one a monster. That'll be it for our turn then...?"[/color] Ethel asked Venwyn, unsure. Venwyn nodded in response. [b][u]Turn 3: Floyd & Yin[/u][/b] Floyd 8000 LP, 4 cards in hand, 1 Set Monster, 1 S/T Yin 8000 LP, 4 cards in hand, 1 Monster, 1 S/T Venwyn 8000 LP, 3 cards in hand, 1 Set Monster, 2 S/T Ethel 8000 LP, 4 cards in hand, 1 Set Monster, 1 S/T The boy made a chirpy smile at his partner, signifying his positivity towards their chances of succeeding. Drawing one card, he analysed the battlefield and his choices. "Choices, choices. I'll wait for you, in case you wanna make your dragon bigger." He was a polite person, only rushing when he was exceptionally eager. [colour=7bcdc8]"Pervert."[/colour] [color=7ea7d8]"...Pervert."[/color] Yin had to smile for once. So she hadn't been paired with a complete amateur, the guy actually knew some stuff that was good. "Excellent, in that case I'll draw, and then in the standby phase my LV3 Armed Dragon disappears, and transforms into the mighty Armed Dragon LV5!" Yin dramatically raised her arm out as the monster transformed into the much larger, and spikier Armed Dragon LV5. [b]Armed Dragon LV5 2400 ATK 1700 DEF Level 5 WIND Dragon[/b] Floyd was delighted at the arrival of the large monster, however once more he decided to wait before playing. "Wanna activate his effect or am I in the all clear to do my stuff?" Of course, it was all he could do to ignore the comments about his wording. Yin giggled a bit "Just let me play this little nifty card known as Nobleman of Crossout first. And I think I'll be using it on your monster." Yin pointed towards Venwyn. "So that not only doesn't activate any flip effects, it also removes your face down monster from the game. Now back to you partner. The monster removed from play was Ghostrick Jiangshi. Floyd nodded in response. That act had actually shifted how he was going to play his turn, only making it slightly easier to make a decision on what he was going to do. "Alright, I'll play... Er, actually I'll set another monster and that's pretty much it for me." Of course, it only looked like he was stalling by just setting cards, but there was a method to his madness and he could only help but hope that his partner understood that. Yin raised an eyebrow slightly. Her partner wasn't very offensive, but that could mean many things. Hopefully he would pull through for her in the end. "In that case, next I'll set one Monster of my own, and now I'll have my Armed Dragon LV5 attack Venwyn directly!" "Hand effect." Venwyn said, revealing the Ghostrick Lantern in his hand. "I can negate your attack, and special summon the Lantern in face down defense position." As he said this, a face down monster card appeared on the field. The dragon had also stopped in its tracks. Yin rolled her eyes. "Fine if that's the case I'll end my turn." "I'm quite finished as well, for now." Floyd nodded towards the enemy team. [b][u]Turn 4: Venwyn & Ethel[/u][/b] Floyd 8000 LP, 3 cards in hand, 2 Set Monsters, 1 S/T Yin 8000 LP, 2 cards in hand, 2 (1 Set) Monsters, 1 S/T Venwyn 8000 LP, 3 cards in hand, 1 Set Monster, 2 S/T Ethel 8000 LP, 5 cards in hand, 1 Set Monster, 1 S/T Ethel looked at the card she drew, clicking her tongue as she did. This wasn't going well at all, and this draw didn't help that. [color=7ea7d8]"I set another monster."[/color] Another horizontal, face-down card appeared on Ehtel's field and she looked over at Venwyn. If he was observant it'd be noticeable Ethel was actually slightly biting her lip, though she tries to hide it. Venwyn drew a card. Looking at it bore little reaction from him. He instead focused on his current face down monster. The young ninja clicked his fingers, and the monster card flipped itself over, revealing the Ghostrick Lantern. The creature flew out of the now-face-up card on the field, sticking a spectral tongue out at Venwyn's opponents. [b]Ghostrick Lantern 800 ATK/0 DEF * DARK Fiend[/b] [colour=7bcdc8]"I will now summon a second Lantern."[/colour] With that, a second Ghostrick Lantern was now on the field. There were now two spectral tongues being stuck at Yin and Floyd. Venwyn chuckled. [colour=7bcdc8]"Now, I'm going to Xyz summon a monster. But first,"[/colour] Venwyn glanced over to Floyd's face down card. [colour=7bcdc8]"Mystical Space Typhoon."[/colour] Venwyn raised his hand, and one of his face down cards revealed itself to be. A heavy whirlwind appeared over Floyd's face down card, destroying it. [colour=55AE3A]"Before we say our goodnights to my set card, let me first activate it."[/colour] Floyd flipped over the card to reveal it to be Ring of Destruction. [colour=55AE3A]"I target one o' your Lanterns. Sorry, Yin, but both us and them take damage."[/colour] [colour=7bcdc8]"Hand effect."[/colour] Venwyn revealed another one of his cards: Ghostrick Specter. [colour=7bcdc8]"When a Ghostrick Monster is destroyed, I can special summon Ghostrick Specter in face-down defense position and draw a card."[/colour] A face-down card materialized on the spot where Ghostrick Lantern once was, and Venwyn drew a card. [b]Floyd & Yin LP 8000 > 7200[/b] [b]Venwyn & Ethel LP 8000 > 7200[/b] [colour=55AE3A]"Booooo."[/colour] It was both pun and an act of showing his negative attitude towards this. The ninja frowned due to the low-tier puns. [colour=7bcdc8]"I'll place a face down card, and wait."[/colour] He said, signalling to Ethel to continue. [color=7ea7d8]"...Then we'll end our turn."[/color] Ethel bit her lip just a tad harder. Everything was disrupted now. [b][u]Turn 5: Floyd & Yin[/u][/b] Floyd 7200 LP, 4 cards in hand, 2 Set Monsters, 0 S/T Yin 7200 LP, 3 cards in hand, 2 (1 Set) Monsters, 1 S/T Venwyn 7200 LP, 1 cards in hand, 2 Set Monster, 2 S/T Ethel 7200 LP, 4 cards in hand, 2 Set Monsters, 1 S/T Finally, damage had been done. The youthful boy was quite gleeful with the card he had obtained and promptly decided to wait once more for his comrade. "Leveling up, again?" Yin was grateful, but she sighed. "Sadly they decided not to include anything past level five in this deck. However," Yin drew her card. "I will be placing this card face down." Yin inserted the card in the respective place. "Hmmm I suppose I'll leave it at that for now, unless I wanna do something off of your moves." Yin giggled. This duel was highly relaxed, not very intense, but that was kinda nice for once. "Firstly, I would like to flip summon my Prediction Princess Arrowsylph, allowing me to add one ritual spell card from my deck or graveyard to my hand 'cause of her effect." Floyd quickly skimmed through his deck, before coming across Prediction Ritual. After showing it to his opponents, he added the card to his hand and placed the deck back in his duel disk. "Next, I'll set another monster and another card." Even though he felt slightly bad for taking up most of their field with his monsters, he had a plan for them yet. "You got anything to do, Yin?" [b]Prediction Princess Arrowsylph ATK 1000 DEF 1400 Level 4 WIND Fairy[/b] "Not for now I suppose. Guessing you won't be attacking this turn? Considering your field?" Yin guessed. "Nah, your right, Arrowsylph's not exactly built for attacking many monsters." Floyd sighed slightly, partially disgruntled at how he could not do much more. "I'm done for this turn, then." Yin frowned. It definitely wasn't the ideal conditions, and without Floyd's monster being able to attack there wasn't much that they could do this turn. "Fine, I guess we're done with our turn then." Yin was clearly unsatisfied with this turn, but things couldn't be helped when in a tag duel. [b][u]Turn 6: Venwyn & Ethel[/u][/b] Floyd 7200 LP, 3 cards in hand, 3 (2 Set) Monsters, 1 S/T Yin 7200 LP, 2 cards in hand, 2 (1 Set) Monsters, 2 S/T Venwyn 7200 LP, 2 cards in hand, 2 Set Monster, 2 S/T Ethel 7200 LP, 5 cards in hand, 2 Set Monsters, 1 S/T Aside from drawing the inconsequential draw, Venwyn began his turn by flipping up both of his face down monsters. [b]Ghostrick Lantern 800 ATK/0 DEF * DARK Fiend[/b] [b]Ghostrick Specter 600 ATK/0 DEF * DARK Fiend[/b] "Xyz summoning," Venwyn announced. The two cards on the field overlaid each other and a black card appeared on the field. There was a flash of light, and from the card rose out the Ghostrick Dullahan, complete with horse neighs and some kind of opera screaming in the background. [b]Ghostrick Dullahan 1000 ATK/0 DEF Rank * DARK Fiend/Xyz/Effect[/b] [colour=7bcdc8]"And again."[/colour] As quickly as the creature had arrived, it disappeared once again. Another black card appeared on the pile of monsters on the field. This time, there was an insufferable giggling as the Ghostrick Angel materialized, floating above the card calmly. [b]Ghostrick Angel of Mischief 2000 ATK/ 2500 DEF Rank *** DARK Fairy/Xyz/Effect[/b] "I'll then activate her effect, allowing me to add a Ghostrick Spell or Trap card to my hand. Ghostrick Mansion." Venwyn explained, retrieving Ghostrick Mansion and immediately placing it onto the field. There was a rumbling on the arena, and a eerie and spooky mansion erected itself from the ground around all four duelists. Spectral wisps and childlike laughter could be both seen and heard, respectively. [colour=7bcdc8]"Swords of Conealing Light,"[/colour] Venwyn said, placing the new spell card onto the field. Several glowingly dark blades phased into existence over the field of the opposing duo, the pressure of which caused the atmosphere around to darken, and caused the monster cards to forcefully flip face-down. The Ghostrick Angel clapped at the trick. Venwyn stared at the other, darkened side of the field. [colour=7bcdc8]"Continue,"[/colour] the boy said. Ethel's already pale face was only getting paler. The entire time Venwyn had been playing she'd just been staring at the cards in her hand, unsure... Without even announcing it a monster was again put face-down on the field, softly [color=7ea7d8]"...end..."[/color] being murmured from her side. [b][u]Turn 7: Floyd & Yin[/u][/b] Floyd 7200 LP, 4 cards in hand, 3 (3 Set) Monsters, 1 S/T Yin 7200 LP, 3 cards in hand, 2 (2 Set) Monsters, 3 S/T Venwyn 7200 LP, 1 card in hand, 1 Monster (Xyz, 3 Material), 3 S/T, 1 Field Spell Ethel 7200 LP, 4 cards in hand, 3 Set Monsters, 1 S/T Drawing his card, Floyd almost laughed with excitement. The previous turn had left him with little chance of being able to do much, not that he had already. "I'd prefer if our monsters were not kept in defense position, thank you very much." Quickly, he played the Mystical Space Typhoon and almost giggled. "I target your Swords of Concealing Light!" The card was destroyed with ease, it seemed, placing a smile on Floyd's face. "I'm about to do a bunch of stuff in a second, if all goes well, so do you wanna do what you want to first?" He gestured to his partner. Yin drew her card and switched her Armed Dragon LV5 back to attack position and then nodded at Floyd to continue. The boy breathed in slightly, gaining air for what he was about to say. "Firstly, I flip summon Prediction Princess Petalelf, making your petty Angel go to defense position." [b]Prediction Princess Petalelf 800 ATK 700 DEF Level 3 EARTH Fairy[/b] He began to shake his fists eagerly, before finally making the act he had built up to, praying that he wouldn't be stopped. "Now, I flip summon my other monster, Prediction Princess Astromorrigan. All of your defense position monsters will be destroyed at the end of our turn, and for each once destroyed, you would normally lose 500 points. Since that dumb Mansion is there, you only take 250 for them." [b]Prediction Princess Astromorrigan 1300 ATK 0 DEF Level 3 DARK Fairy[/b] He breathed out, exhausted. "I'm done for the main phase, how about you?" "I think I'll place another card face down first and then we can move on to the next phase if you like?" Yin said almost as if teasing the opponents. "The battle phase?" Floyd smiled. "Oh why not, you think I could activate a lovely trap card though now that we're in our battle phase?" Yin was beginning to enjoy this just a bit too much at this point. "Sure, dude, go ahead and do what you like!" He made a thumbs up at the girl. "Well in that case." Yin waved her arm a bit eccentrically as her trap card came up. "I play the trap known as Ceasefire! This means all facedown monsters are flipped face up, and on top of that for every effect monster on the field you both lose five hundred life points!" Yin flipped over her Twin Headed Behemoth. "Oh and fun fact, sorry by the way Floyd, no flip effects are activated by being flipped over by this card. Also thanks to his card that saves them 250 lifepoints each, but in the end they'll still lose more than enough life points." [b]Twin Headed Behemoth 1500 ATK 1200 DEF Level 3 WIND Dragon[/b] "It's alright, I already got one Ritual spell card out of her." Arrowsylph reappeared once more in defense position. "I suppose their only saving grace is that we're not attacking, but to be fair that's even worse." [b]Prediction Princess Arrowsylph 1000 ATK 1400 DEF Level 4 WIND Fairy[/b] Ethel stared with wide eyes as the Ceasefire trap had opened and Yin so [i]gracefully[/i] decided to give a [i]totally not rubbing it in your face[/i] description of it. Gritting her teeth, the pale girl flipped all three of her monsters face-up with their bodies rising from the floor. [b]Mystic Tomato 1400 ATK 1100 DEF Level 4 DARK Plant[/b] [b]Ally of Justice Nullifier 1600 ATK 1200 DEF Level 4 DARK Machine[/b] [b]Ally of Justice Thousand Arms 1700 ATK 0 DEF Level 4 DARK Machine[/b] [b]Venwyn & Ethel LP 7200 > 4950[/b] Yin giggled delightfully. "Back to you Floyd!: He nodded with eagerness. "I'm about done, which means that the End phase is here and thus Astromorrigan's effect completes!" He snickered through a gritty smile, anticipating the monsters' end. Ethel grimaced as all three of her monsters shatter into pixels, one by one. Now she couldn't even get the effect off of Tomato... Dammit! Her breathing got slightly more heavy, and Ethel's eyes glared straight through Floyd. Floyd continued his smirk whilst the Angel of Mischief was also sent to the graveyard, sighing of relief after the realisation that Venwyn had not had [i]that[/i] card. [b]Venwyn & Ethel LP 4950 > 3950[/b] [b][u]Turn 8: Venwyn & Ethel[/u][/b] Floyd 7200 LP, 2 cards in hand, 3 Monsters, 1 S/T Yin 7200 LP, 2 cards in hand, 2 Monsters, 2 S/T Venwyn 3950 LP, 2 cards in hand, 2 S/T, 1 Field Spell Ethel 3950 LP, 5 cards in hand, 1 S/T Venwyn began the turn by drawing a card. The draw was somewhat okay. He placed a monster in face down defense position, a card appearing on the field as an indicator. [colour=7bcdc8]"Pot of Duality,"[/colour] Venwyn said, activating the card from the hand. He drew three cards, and systematically called their names. [colour=7bcdc8]"Ghostrick Break, Pot of Dichotomy and Tour Guide from the Underworld."[/colour] A loud, metal clanking sound cut off Venwyn as he listed off his cards. From the other side of the field, above Ethel, was a rotating spell card depicting a golden chalice. [color=7ea7d8]"You."[/color] Ethel pointed at Floyd. [color=7ea7d8]"This card is spinning, and you tell it to stop. If it stops downwards you get two cards, if upwards I do. Now tell it to stop."[/color] Floyd was severely confused by the abrupt action, but nonetheless he complied. After a few moments, he quickly uttered the word [colour=55AE3A]"Stop!"[/colour]. A few more sounds rang out with each turn of the card, and when Floyd yelled for it to stop the counter stopped... Upwards. Ethel gained a smug smirk on her face, though a sinister undertone was able to be found. [color=7ea7d8]"Thank you. I now draw two cards."[/color] The pale girl's tone became louder and slightly more arrogant, two cards being swiped and quickly thrown into the hand. Opposite to Ethel, the boy pouted with extreme distaste for the outcome; he partially blamed himself, in all fairness. [colour=55AE3A]"Eugh."[/colour] [colour=7bcdc8]"Fate,"[/colour] Venwyn said, picking up the Tour Guide from the Underworld and adding it to his hand. [color=7ea7d8]"Now I discard a card to activate another."[/color] Ethel slid another Spell card into the disk, this time it depicting a sword stabbing through two of the stars on a monster card. [color=7ea7d8]"Now until the end of our turn, monsters in my hand get their levels reduced by two. I now normal summon..."[/color] Throwing down another card onto the disk, gusts of wind got blown up from seemingly the floor, or more specifically a vortex that opened up in it. A golden, robotic bird flew up ready to lash out it's talons at anyone standing in the way. [color=7ea7d8]"Ally of Justice Clausolas."[/color] [b]Ally of Justice Clausolas ATK 2300 DEF 1200 Level 6(currently 4) DARK Machine[/b] Ethel looked back over at Venwyn, who seemed to be able to do about as much as you'd expect right now. Absolutely nothing. Seems the girl had no choice but to fight her own battle for a short while. [color=7ea7d8]"Battle Phase."[/color] ...Though, truth be told, there wasn't much to capitalize on in the first place. [color=7ea7d8]"Clausolas... Go and [i]kill[/i] that annoying pest Astromorrigan."[/color] A wicked smirk crept across Ethel's face as she declared the attack. [colour=55AE3A]"OBJECTION!"[/colour] It was one thing to declare an attack against him, but it was another to target one of his princesses. [colour=55AE3A]"I activate my trap card,"[/colour] Perhaps it was a waste for one monster, but Floyd was enraged by the lack of etiquette, [colour=55AE3A]"Mirror Force!"[/colour]. The card he had drawn with Pot of Duality now laid face up on the field, for the brief time it would be there. [color=7ea7d8]"Tch..."[/color] Ethel clicked her tongue and broke her gaze from Floyd's field. This annoying little brat... Couldn't keep that to himself, now could he? [color=7ea7d8]"I set one more card in the second main phase, then we'll end."[/color] Clausolas went up in... Well, light, to be blunt, right before Ethel set her card. [b][u]Turn 9: Floyd & Yin[/u][/b] Floyd 7200 LP, 3 cards in hand, 3 Monsters Yin 7200 LP, 3 cards in hand, 2 Monsters, 2 S/T Venwyn 3950 LP, 1 card in hand, 1 (Set) Monster, 2 S/T, 1 Field Spell Ethel 3950 LP, 2 cards in hand, 2 S/T Floyd began the turn by quickly drawing, yet it seemed the card he had drawn wasn't likely to further their chances of winning at that moment. "Hmm, I'll let you kick off the main phase, partner." "In that case I think I'll draw my card obviously, but also I'll activate the trap known as Reckless Greed. This allows me to draw another two cards." Yin couldn't stop smiling. This game was too simple. It was overly relaxed, but yet it was still fun. "Next I'll play a card you all should be very familiar with, Nobleman of Crossout. I think you know what that means Venwyn." The smirk on Yin's face was far too noticeable too as Venwyn's only monster exploded. "Of course if it was a flip effect monster you also lose all copies of that card in your deck. Next I'll have to switch Behemoth into attack mode. Now back to you partner before we begin the battle phase." Floyd shrugged. "I'll take the gamble of them having their own Mirror force," The youth swiftly switched Prediction Princess Arrowsylph into attack position. "I'm ready for the battle phase and since you have the strongest monster on our field, I'll give you the honors of beginning it." "Why thank you! Now Armed Dragon LV5, Attack Venwyn directly!" Yin pointed straight for the oddly dressed man. [colour=7bcdc8]"Mirror Force."[/colour] Venwyn said. Floyd's gamble was correct. A large spherical barrier appeared as the dragon attacked, destroying it and all other attack position monsters on Floyd and Yin's side of the field. Floyd shrugged again, slightly disgruntled by making two mistakes. "I think my Interdimensional Matter Transporter here will, sadly for you, be sending my Armed Dragon LV5-" Yin raised an eyebrow as the emo girl across the way interrupted her. [color=7ea7d8]"Dark Bribe."[/color] A smug-looking merchant giving gold ornaments to some sort of king was depicted. [color=7ea7d8]"I negate your trap or spell, and you draw a card."[/color] Ethel's grin got more and more smug each second, knowing full well that that Armed Dragon was a big component to their strategy. Yin drew her card and just smiled. "Very well. In that case I suppose we'll go into our second main phase and I'll set-" Yet again Yin was interrupted, by her partner this time. Floyd attempted to stop her before she continued with her act. "It isn't wise to leave us open for attack, since even with set monsters Ghostrick mansion means they can still directly attack us." "As I was saying, I'll set a card face down. Now would you like to do anything before we move into our end phase?" Yin glared at the boy for a moment. Floyd sweated briefly and rubbed his neck, feeling guilty for jumping to conclusions. "Sorry... I'll set one card in my spell and trap zone and one monster. I'm done." "Now in our end phase my Twin Headed Behemoth comes back which means we won't have all set monsters in defense mode anymore. Obviously he's being brought back in defense mode. Sadly however, he only has 1000 defense now, but that's fine. We're done for now." Yin once more gave Floyd a short glare before looking back at her field. She knew what she was doing, she didn't need this guy second guessing everything she did. She was in the Light dorm for a reason after all. [b][u]Turn 10: Venwyn & Ethel[/u][/b] Floyd 7200 LP, 2 cards in hand, 1 (Set) Monster, 1 S/T Yin 7200 LP, 4 cards in hand, 1 Monsters, 1 S/T Venwyn 3950 LP, 2 cards in hand, 1 S/T, 1 Field Spell Ethel 3950 LP, 3 cards in hand, 1 S/T Venwyn drew yet another card, for another turn. Much like the last turn, he simply placed a monster in face down defense position before stopping and waiting. Ethel drew and placed that third card in her hand, then took out the middle before sliding it into a S/T slot. [color=7ea7d8]"I'll use Autonomous Action Unit! Ngh...."[/color] A machine crawled out of the ground, two bolts of lightning being shot from both Venwyn and Ethel's chests at it. [color=7ea7d8]"By paying 1500 Lifepoints, I can take a monster from your graveyard as my own... And I'l choose your Armed Dragon LV5!"[/color] The machine, which looked so messy that a proper description was hard to give to it, pulled out the dragon from Yin's graveyard and dug a few cables into it, letting the rotor blades on it swirl. [b]Venwyn & Ethel LP 3950 > 2450[/b] [b]Armed Dragon LV5 2400 ATK 1700 DEF Level 5 WIND Dragon[/b] The blue haired one looked over to her side, to check on what Venwyn's doing. He'll probably have something by next turn, right...? She hopes so, at least. [color=7ea7d8]"Battle Phase."[/color] Ethel declares. She lifted up one finger and pointed at Yin's field, Behemoth hovering over its horizontal card. [color=7ea7d8]"Armed Dragon, betray and [i]kill[/i] Twin Headed Behemoth!"[/color] [colour=55AE3A]"Not so fast."[/colour] Floyd was desperate to make it up to his comrade and activated his face down. [colour=55AE3A]"Compulsory Evacuation Device - I'll use it on Armed Dragon."[/colour] This duel was exhausting him. Yin smirked at Ethel. "Better luck next time short stuff." Yin mocked as her card returned not only to her, but to her hand. She then gave her teammate a smile and nod to let him know he did good. [color=7ea7d8]"Grrr..."[/color] Ethel started to grit her teeth in frustration again, the Armed Dragon de-materializing before it got to even start its attack. [color=7ea7d8]"End turn..."[/color] [b][u]Turn 11: Floyd & Yin[/u][/b] Floyd 7200 LP, 2 cards in hand, 1 (Set) Monster Yin 7200 LP, 5 cards in hand, 1 Monsters, 1 S/T Venwyn 2450 LP, 1 cards in hand, 1 (Set) Monster, 1 S/T, 1 Field Spell Ethel 2450 LP, 2 cards in hand, 1 S/T Disappointed by his lack of draw, Floyd decided the best course of action would be to shrug it off. "I'll once again let you start the Main Phase." In all honesty, he didn't have much to do. Yin nodded. Unfortunately the tag matches had it's draw backs, but she didn't have the worst hand so that was the good news. "First I'll sacrifice my Twin Headed Behemoth to summon my Armed Dragon LV5!" Yin swapped the cards and her dragon rose up once more. Yin then turned to Floyd. "Got anything?" Floyd pouted. "Only slightly." He flipped his face down card into attack position, revealing it to be Prediction Princess Coinorma. [b]Prediction Princess Coinorma 800 ATK 1400 DEF Level 3 EARTH Fairy[/b] "Her effect activates, allowing me to special summon a level 3 or higher flip monster from my deck or hand in face down defense position, and I choose my other Coinorma!" She briefly appeared on the field before being set down. "I'm ready for the battle phase." Yin once more smiled and nodded. "I'll let you go first this time." "Alright, I'll target Ethel. Coinorma, attack!" He pointed at the girl who had so often gone against him this duel. The small princess lifted a giant golden doubloon from thin air and threw it over to her. Ethel actually visibly flinched from a sudden GIANT coin being thrown at her. She held up her arms crossed, though since it was just a hologram the coin went through her and rolled onto the floor behind Ethel. Venwyn chuckled at Ethel as she was hit with the giant coin. Then he stopped. Because he didn't want to get beaten up. [b]Venwyn & Ethel LP 2450 > 2050[/b] [color=7ea7d8]"G-Ghostrick Mansion halves all battle damage not done by Ghostricks..."[/color] Once Ethel actually recovered from the shock of the atttack and lowered her arms, she explained the reason for the little loss... As if it needed explaining. "True, but try this on for size, Armed Dragon LV5 attack Ethel directly!" Yin instantly retorted pointing at the small girl. [color=7ea7d8]"Not this time!"[/color] She shouted in reply, quickly tapping one of the S/T buttons on the Duel Disk. A man blocking an explosion to the back was depicted on it. That very same man suddenly up and stumbled onto the battlefield, right up to Armed Dragon. The very same dragon looked hungry and gobbled up the small knight, completely forgetting about Ethel. [color=7ea7d8]"I take no damage, and get to draw one card from Defense Draw."[/color] Ethel picked up her card, hoping for something good. Yin smiled. "Cute, but what will you do when I activate my Dragon's Rebirth? You know the one where I banish my Armed Dragon LV5 and then select this lovely Red-Eyes Black Dragon from my hand and special summon it?" Yin mockingly asked as she did exactly everything she had said. "Now let's try this again. Red-Eyes Black Dragon, attack Ethel directly!" Venwyn waved his hand over the field, revealing his face down card; Book of Moon. A large book appeared and dropped onto the dragon, forcing it face-down. Yin frowned sarcastically. "I guess that means we're going into our main phase two?" Yin turned to Floyd questioningly. [colour=55AE3A]"Yep. Although, I've not got anything to do, so I'm alright for this turn."[/colour] Floyd shrugged, showing dismay at his lack of actions. "Alrighty then, next I'll reveal my Red-Eyes to you two as I sacrifice it. This activates the effect of my monster in my hand. If you saw my first duel you'll recognize this splendid creature. Now come forth Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon!" Yin threw her arm up as the monster appeared on the field roaring at pair across the field. [b]Red-Eyes Darkness Dragon 3300 ATK 2000 Def Level 9 DARK Dragon[/b] "Now then. Make your move." Yin crossed her arms smirking at Ethel. [b][u]Turn 12: Venwyn & Ethel[/u][/b] Floyd 7200 LP, 2 cards in hand, 2 (1 Set) Monster Yin 7200 LP, 2 cards in hand, 1 Monsters Venwyn 2050 LP, 2 cards in hand, 1 (Set) Monster, 1 Field Spell Ethel 2050 LP, 4 cards in hand [color=7ea7d8]"Draw!"[/color] Ethel declares, then immediately smacks the card she just drew onto the field. [color=7ea7d8]"I summon Dark Blade the Captain of the Evil World!"[/color] A hellish steed housing a knight donning the [s]edgiest[/s] blackest and spikiest of armors, his blade having a menacing glint to them. Once they rode onto the field, Ethel glances over at Venwyn to see how he's holding up. After drawing his card, Venwyn began to summon a monster. He placed a face up monster on the field. [color=7bcdc8]"Tour Guide from the Underworld,"[/color] He said. [color=7bcdc8]"It allows me to special summon a level three monster. Night Assailant."[/color] As he said this, another monster appeared. [color=7bcdc8]"I'm xyz summoning now."[/color] Venwyn said as he overlaid the cards. Another black card appeared atop the two monsters, and from it materialized Alucard. Venwyn detached an xyz material, allowing Ghostrick Alucard to destroy a set card on the field. He chose Floyd's face down monster. The vampire clicked its fingers, and cracks appeared on the face down card before it was shattered, destroying the monster. [b]Ghostrick Alucard ATK 1800 DEF 1600 Rank 3 DARK Zombie[/b] After that, Venwyn flipped up his other face down card, Ghostrick Jiangshi, activating its effect to search monsters based upon how many Ghostricks were on the field. There were two, so Venwyn was able to search Ghostrick Mary, adding it to his hand. [b]Ghostrick Jiangshi 400 ATK/1800 DEF Level 3 DARK Zombie[/b] As quickly as it had arrived, Jiangshi almost immediately turned face-down once more. [color=7ea7d8]"...Battle Phase."[/color] Ethel declared. Somehow she got the feeling her partner wasn't going to do much more for this turn... The bluenette turned her head to Floyd, a wicked smirk creeping across her face. [color=7ea7d8]"You wouldn't let me attack before, now would you? But that's okay. I'll just [i]kill everything[/i] now! Dark Blade, cut open Coinorma's throat!"[/color] The mounted knight rushed forward and grabbed Coinorma in full Gallop with its one free hand. Bringing it up to Floyd and stopping right before him, the last few moments were of Coinorma struggling helplessly while pleading to Floyd for help, just as soon as her throat got cut open. Floyd gulped; his princess' innocent throat being sliced open before her being shattered into a million pieces. [color=55AE3A]"Booooo."[/color] [b]Floyd & Yin LP 7200 > 6700[/b] After that little display of violence Dark Blade took his place on the field again, Ethel's menacing smirk going away at around the same time. She glanced over to Venwyn, to see if he had anything to do. [color=7bcdc8]"Alucard,"[/color] Venwyn said, motioning to Floyd. Venwyn's monster - the leader of the Ghostricks - responded. He casually walked over to the enemy side of the field, and kicked Floyd in the face. Of course, it didn't really have the same gravity or seriousness as Dark Blade's attack, but it's the thought that counts. The vampire then walked back to Venwyn and Ethel's side of the field, acting as if nothing had happened. [color=55AE3A]"Ow."[/color] He rubbed his face, despite not physically being harmed. [b]Floyd & Yin LP 6700 > 4900[/b] [color=7ea7d8]"...We end our turn."[/color] [b][u]Turn 13: Floyd & Yin[/u][/b] Floyd 4900 LP, 2 cards in hand Yin 4900 LP, 2 cards in hand, 1 Monsters Venwyn 2050 LP, 2 cards in hand, 2 (1 Set) Monsters, 1 Field Spell Ethel 2050 LP, 3 cards in hand, 1 Monster "Draw phase skipped, straight to main phase." He nodded, this turn would most likely decide the outcome of the duel. "I'll start our Main Phase by summoning Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands in attack position." [b]Manju of the Ten Thousand Hands 1400 ATK 1000 DEF LIGHT Fairy[/b] "I activate his effect to add one Prediction Princess Tarotrei to my hand." The card swiftly went from the deck to his other card in his hand. Yin smiled and entered a card that activated instantly. "I activate the spell card known as Mind Control, and I'll be taking your Alucard." Yin pointed at Venwyn quite pleased with the way this duel had just turned out. "Next I'll use Alucard's effect to blow up your last monster." Once more Yin pointed at Venwyn's side as his monster cracked and shattered. Yin then turned to Floyd. "Anything else before we end this?" Once more, he shrugged. Yin had pretty much done most of the work to enable a victory in sight, so he simply followed her whilst she lead them to glory. "I'm all set." Now, into the Battle Phase they went. "Firstly, I'll allow Manju to attack Venwyn directly!" The monster strutted over in an aimless fashion before swiping at the boy with five thousand of his ten thousand hands. [b]Venwyn & Ethel LP 2050 > 1350[/b] Ethel shot a quick look at the partner on the other side. What the hell was he doing? Didn't he have anything to stop this?! Yin smiled delightfully as she rose her hand up slowly and dramatically to taunt Ethel, who clearly lacked the anger management classes she so desperately needed. "I think now it's time I end this." She slowly let her arm fall down pointing at Venwyn. "End this Darkness Dragon!" To respond the dragon began charging up a dark ball of energy which it shot forth at Venwyn to end this duel. [color=7ea7d8]"Do something!"[/color] Ethel yelled at Venwyn while the ball of energy was still charging, going into a mild panic. None of the cards in her hand would change ANYTHING about this situation... The ball became bigger and bigger, glowing ever so slightly before the dragon released it from it's mouth to blast Venwyn's Life Points down. [colour=55AE3A]"And scene."[/colour] Floyd bowed graciously. [b]Venwyn & Ethel LP 1350 > 0[/b] [b]WINNERS: FLOYD & YIN![/b] [/hider] [hider=The aftermath] This was the second loss since coming to the Duel Academy. Venwyn didn't react externally to the loss this time, as with his last match. Internally, his rage was the one to pierce the heavens. Still, he didn't outright state it, or even spoke about the matter; he simply left in his typical puff of smoke, leaving behind a log with a piece of paper pinned to it. The piece of paper had a drawing of a hand on it. ... The hand had its middle finger raised. Ethel... Couldn't believe it. She lost again. and this time... Everything went [i]right.[/i] Everything went the way it was supposed to... And she still... Lost... She dropped to her knees again, raising up her free arm. The hand was curled up into a fist. Ethel started pounding on the ground with her fist, underside first... Tears didn't well up, unlike last time, but her fury was noticeable. Was this going to be her entire year? Nothing but losing? Floyd was jumping and punching the air in a joyous motion, laughing at their success. "I'm so glad we won that duel, most of it was down to you, though." He smiled at Yin, extremely thankful for her partnership. Looking over at their now singular enemy, the youth frowned a little at the emotion she was displaying from her loss; deep down, he did feel a bit of remorse at their victory due to how it was affecting her, yet nevertheless he was overtly positive. Yin giggled cheerfully as Floyd showed is over excitement and then proceeded to give her a lot of the credit. To this Yin stood postural and bowed respectfully. "Thank you. I couldn't have done it without your help though." Out of the corner of her eye she noticed Ethel beating the ground pointlessly. How sad. People who couldn't handle losing here and there had no business wasting her time, but whatever she got more cards out of it so it was tolerable for now. Yin rose up smiling though still cheerful about her victory and possibly a new found friend in her partner? [/hider] [hider=TLDR] Floyd and Yin won after a mostly strong game, almost being overthrown towards the end yet winning through Mind Control. [/hider]