After he was teleported to the courtyard after taken the test, Mark felt a strange feeling in his stomach from the teleporting. It's wasn't a nauseating or sick feeling, just... strange. He figured this was something he had to get used to. Before he discovered he was able to do magic he hadn't been much in contact with it. He sat down on a bench and watched intrigued as the other students appeared out of thin air. No one seemed to be interested in talking, but Mark couldn't blame them. He was still wondering about the significance of the test, which had seemed as a rather regular personality or morality test, and the fact that the test wasn't finished yet. He was rather surprised when the principal announced they would all get a private tutor. On one hand he was pleased with it, as that meant he could get special attention with his runic magic, on the other hand he felt disappointed as he wouldn't need to attend the regular classes, which he was looking forward to. Mark saw the principal taking out a whistle and blowing it. He didn't hear anything and looked around for something to happen. Since nothing did, he figured he might as well ask a question. "Sir, when are we going to start our classes? I'm actually rather keen on starting to learn more..."