[hider=Suki] [h3][u][i][b][center]Suki[/center][/b][/i][/u][/h3] [center]"You wish to fight me? What might be the reason for it? Pride? Fame? Very well, I'll accept your challenge. Hm? There's no need to make such a scary expression, I promise to be gentle."[/center] [b]Name:[/b] Suki Enkou [b]Age:[/b] Appears to be 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Race:[/b] Youkai/Ex-Human/Vessel [b]Height:[/b] 5’2” [b]Weight:[/b] 47kg [s]Most of her weight is situated at her chest[/s] [b]Blood Type:[/b] AB [b]Affiliation:[/b] Lawful Neutral [b]Aliases/Titles:[/b] Princess of the Crimson World/Sky, Scarlet Princess, Fragment(of the Crimson Sky) [b][url=http://41.media.tumblr.com/9b7cde10b3519c52729151fc5bb0ac5a/tumblr_nijzsvquI71spbjuio1_500.jpg]Appearance:[/url][/b] Seemingly wears an odd, almost ceremonial like clothing, that makes one think of a brilliant yet elegant flame. With light red thigh highs matching her dress and detached sleeves, it isn't hard to imagine her as a fire priestess. Although at the time when she's [url=http://40.media.tumblr.com/b818e8f092d7295973b7d8e5ef13e249/tumblr_nijzsvquI71spbjuio2_500.png]serious or angry[/url], it seems her clothes and hair darkens, as though dipped in blood, while her eyes take on a more yellowish glow. Even her usually cheerful gaze drastically changes to a more sharper, cold gaze, as if she was deducing how many different ways she could tear through your flesh from where she stands. [b]Personality:[/b] Despite how dangerous everyone makes Suki out to be, they couldn't be farther from the truth. Despite having that much power, she generally does not require it that often. Whenever fights occur within the Crimson Sky, she can be found floating in a seated position nearby, merely observing, only to repair any damages caused to the landscape when the battle concludes. For those who have met and spoke with the girl, they would tell you that, while she still has her innocence befitting of her age, with happiness and naivety on a normal basis, underneath lies a very observant and ponderous individual. Granted, that is very hard to see, as she usually acts quite playful around others. For someone whole is nigh on immortal. Suki is surprisingly level-headed. She never picks a fight unless she has too, and even then goes easy on her opponents unless directed otherwise. Provoking does nearly nothing, however one could just simply ask her to duel. However, if you manage to actually anger her too much (good luck trying), you are going to be harassed constantly by the environment itself. Even a trip to the relieve yourself will become messy, figuratively and literally. [b]Background:[/b] Suki was born as a normal human, and led a pretty mundane sort of life, before she accidentally stumbled her way into the Crimson Sky. While wandering about, she had managed to stumble her way into the distortion known as the Deeper Shadows. However, by utter chance, she ended up acquiring a piece of Chikage's powers, which to this day Suki still doesn't know how that had occurred. It could be compared to being struck by lightning out of everyone around, as how she compared it. Through that event that changed her life, Suki has spent most of her existence watching over the Crimson Sky, making sure no one goes overboard and caused a large scale calamity. [b]Powers:[/b] Having a piece of Chikage’s powers within her, so long as she is within that world, she can alter/change the world, whether through appearance, physics, or even transporting others from here and there. It could be said that she is nigh on invincible in there, although others argue that high-power exorcism can temporarily drive her back. However, that is merely rumors. While she can affect the physical aspects of the Crimson Sky, that is it. Basically, it’s like collapsing or piecing together buildings, roads, the surroundings for the more easily noticeable, to the increase and decrease of gravity’s forces, and even portals from one area to another. What is the most important part of her powers, is that she keeps the Deeper Shadows from spreading. Repairing the distortions that seem to creep farther and farther, else maybe the entire world is consumed. While it sounds powerful, most if not all her attacks via the world are merely nuisances. collapsing buildings can be easily blasted from, sudden prison of steel springing up can be crushed, and the changes in gravity are nonlethal, only annoying. Even her ‘immortality’ is just simply Chikage's powers sustaining her. What is interesting is that, while seemingly invincible in the Crimson, in the normal world, Suki becomes as vulnerable as a normal human. Her abilities in the normal world are reduced to simply opening portals in existing shadows, and being unable to age. [b]Skills:[/b] -The ins and outs of the Crimson Sky -Physical control over the Crimson Sky -Creating portals -Basic use of spears -Bringing unsuspecting people into the Crimson Sky/Real World [b]Weapons:[/b] Ceremonial Spear [b]Equipment:[/b] Her clothes? [b]Other:[/b] There sometimes can be small Yokai that trail after her, almost as if they were taking shelter from more powerful Yokai by hiding within her shadow. Whatever the reason, if you stay too long beside Suki, you mighty have small Yokai using you as a playground. She is the 'fragment' of the 'embodiment' of the Crimson Sky She is surprisingly easily flustered. [/hider]