[color=a187be][h2]Shinjiro Karasawa[/h2][/color] She had headphones in? Man, they blended [i]right into[/i] that hair. Honestly, he didn't notice at all. She oughta get them in blue or something, make his life easier. [color=red]"My [i]name[/i] isn't Two-Tails-Half-a-Dye-Job--"[/color] He chuckled. [color=red]"For your information, you can call me Sachiko."[/color] [color=a187be]"Hey, you answered to it."[/color] he fired back, all mirth and cheek. [color=a187be][i]Sachiko. Bingo.[/i] [/color] That name and hairstyle matched up with what he remembered about the Level 5 that'd been rumored to hang around his section of town the most, Sachiko Tachibana. Reclusive, Fiery girl of the Twintails, or whatever. Not much to go off of on personality. But, given that she even [i]acknowledged[/i] a lowly man like himself's presence, he had a good feelin' about it. [color=a187be][i]Surprised Tokiwadai didn't snatch her up. If this place has precedent over [u]them[/u], we [u]must[/u] be in the middle of somethin' crazy. Just the way I like it.[/i][/color] A brief burst of jogging caught the purple-haired punchkicker up to speed with Sachiko, an unapologetic grin on his face as he reiterated his question. [color=a187be]"Alright, Sachiko, what I was [i]asking[/i] was,"[/color] he began, now alongside the twin-tailed girl. [color=a187be]"That a Hybrid uniform like the one me and the dude on the bike got, or did Tokiwadai switch things up this year?"[/color]