[B]Hat-chan ~ ハットちゃん[/b] Parkour. Rapid cycling. One of Academy City's rare Level 5s. The energy of youth. This school that she, the teenaged girl known only to her compatriots by the moniker of "Hat-chan", was in the process of attending possessed it all. A microcosm of the sovereign city-state itself, soon to be a possible home to a varied mix of eclectic individuals. From the boy leaping through the trees and his new, monkey-minded companion, to the panicked-looking Woodles' employee riding at an intense velocity towards the school gates, to the man seeking to become Spielberg's dreams ... It possessed it all. The teenaged girl known to her compatriots by the moniker of "Hat-chan" leaned herself against the school fence. The atmosphere was heavy, enticing, as if the myriads of unique students in beige were part of something great. Would the strangely-named Hybrid Academy be a great school? Would it provide her with a satisfactory learning experience that would ensure the prospects of comfortable employment survived even after she graduated? She hoped it did. Otherwise she would have to rely utterly on Youko to buy her all the newest DVDs all the time! The teenaged girl known to her compatriots by the moniker of "Hat-chan" immediately decided that such a future was not one that she was willing to experience. Her only friend was too nice of a person, and depending on the Wakahisa scion's generosity and care more than she already had was a burden she was not willing to place upon her own self. Comfortable wages would ensure that the imagined scenario would never come to pass. Speaking of friends ... She adjusted her aviator cap. Would she make any? She took another photo, this time of the Level 5 and the boy next to her.