Well lets be honest. Should we even deal with transformations? Because they're pointless in the grand scheme of things. Example. Piccolo died to Nappa in one hit. He meditates on King Kai's planet for a month, and suddenly he can fight Freeza's second form and somewhat his third form? Yeah even if he did fuse with Nail, Nail was about Ginyu's level of power, or 20% of Freeza, so Piccolo would've had to have gained about an 800x powerlevel increase just meditating for a month. See where I'm going with this? They're just pointless in the long end of things, a relic of the past, if you will. They arne't Super Sonic where the rules of the character drastically change, they're just power boosts in a story where power is dictated more by plot convenience than numbers. And yeah, shes more Marvel/DC era stuff, because those have more character development than DBZ, which is where I'm more interested in playing around with. There is a huge reason why FF14 sucks and Undertale is amazing for example. I'll clarify a bit more that shes running off game logic. Because in game logic, Ki isn't Life, its Ki. Maybe if they're out of ki she'll start taking from their life gauge instead, but that should describe things better I guess. And the void link thing will also mean that she loses power if they de-transform, if that makes sense. Now another weakness I'd like to do is she can't break free of being 'tied up' very easily. Not sure how to word that though.