So it seemed she wasn't going to glean any more from the blade, which had grown too heavy for her arms. Wishful thinking he supposed. He could see the gears turning as the woman considered his offer, but he was fairly confident she'd accept. He'd used this to recruit many of his people, and so far, none had refused. Finally, he heard the sigh, and knew he'd gotten another. She then confirmed this, and he smiled at her question. He circled around her desk, kicked his blade, so it flipped upwards, which he snatched out of the air and effortlessly sheathed it. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"We start now. Leave your work, I'll send a squire to take care of the details with your old job. For now, come with me."[/b][/i][/color] The Library was the center piece of the Corcillus Quarter, the largest and most impressive building therein. Each quarter had its own landmark, though none were near as massive as the Citadel, the city's centerpiece. He had seen something earlier in the week, and hadn't yet had a chance to research it. Now was his time to do so, and she could help. He led her through the Quarter, deciding to fill the idle time by posing a question to the woman, [color=ed1c24][i][b]"So how did you discover your,"[/b][/i][/color] stopping to look around, noting the need to be a bit more discrete, [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Insightfullness?"[/b][/i][/color] He continued along as he waited for her response. Around the time she finished, he stopped, looking up at a stone wall. He didn't bother using his Aurism, for he knew what he'd see. Last time he was here, he just happened to be wandering the streets, casting his gaze on everything and saw a wall of magic. He couldn't tell what the magic was doing, it looked as if it were the wall. But with his regular vision, he could make out a few irregularities. He wondered if she would notice. The stone that made all of the buildings was the same, uniform black and dark grey stone. However, he could see two vertical lines of stone, where the stones were cut short, as if reaching a corner. Then the stones continued across the span til they reached the other vertical line. And the magic only existed between these vertical lines. At the very bottom of the wall was a few words scribbled into a brick. [i]"To find the way One must simply ask So with me you shall play If you put your mind to the task The question that you seek is the first of three parts It is not for the meek But use your mind, not your hearts The first is the beginning of every knight The second is the end of every squire And the final is found when myte makes ryte Ask only once or face the truly dire"[/i] Captain Theren glanced at the sylph with a grin, as he'd figured it out already. But this was for her, to earn her worth. [color=ed1c24][i][b]"Thoughts?"[/b][/i][/color]