Full name: Ivan Romanov Home planet: Earth Age: 24 Appearance: His facial hair looks like it had escaped the razor a few days, called it good, and stopped growing, never coming to bearded fruition. Wide, almost bulging eyes peer into the future or through a keyhole. Abilities: Precognition (usually a little fuzzy, but he'll never admit it), mind reading, telekinesis, all of which were boosted by the IPT. Skills: investigating, lying, slight of hand Despite what he may say, Ivan was born in the Midwest, to American parents of a very, very distant Russian descent; he is not the last heir to the Russian tsars, nor was he raised by gypsies. Likewise, the origins of his abilities are not as colorful as Ivan proclaims: he was simply born with them. Although he developed his psychic abilities early, he simply thought he had a knack for telling people what they want to hear. It wasn't until Ivan discovered poker in college that he truly realized his abilities. Not only could he tell when people were bluffing, but he could tell exactly what cards they had. He supplemented his poker income with various other schemes, from finding stray cats to street magic to selling future test questions. One of the only things Ivan didn't do during college was go to class. Although the record shows that he failed out, Ivan maintains it was a conspiracy to oust him from the college. Afterwards, he drew all of his abilities and began a private investigation service. It began simply enough, but progressed from lost pets to cheating spouses to kidnapping cults. Eventually, Ivan began working with the police as a consultant on the side, while still doing increasingly bizarre freelance work. It was through his private investigations that Ivan first discovered aliens, and worse. This experience with the unknown, together with his unique abilities, made Ivan a great candidate for the IPT. With alien technology, they further enhanced Ivan's abilities. Notes: Ivan sometimes believes his own hype, and goes on gambling benders, believing that he knows all the outcomes. He doesn't. He is also a compulsive liar.