Going to write up a starting post soon- Today or tomorrow. [quote=@Bai Suzhen]Hwo do you get around this? Dig down! Have a new basement or three. And once you've dug it out, you've got a new problem. How to get the digger out again... I mean, your place is too small to set up ramps... and you had to take out one wall to get it in, but to send in a crane would need the upper walls and floors taken out too... and it would mean closing the street... That's really REALLY expensive.. This is why most luxury London houses have a drained, part-stripped and tarp-wrapped JCB buried in concrete under them, like a strange mechanical Pharaoh.[/quote] Sounds like the premise for a robot revolution story. Beneath London, we abandoned the diggers... [i]But they kept on digging.[/i] Soon, they rise again. Anyway, cheers! I'll add in a snippet about underground space around the built-up north, since that's definitely where it'd be most encountered, and I'd love it if someone set up a literal basement cult. [@Polkadancer] Carin reads well! She's accepted. Otherwise, I feel like I covered all the points you mentioned in the settings tab pretty well already, other than the specific history of the settlement and religious background (ironic, isn't it). I'll add more about that soon. To recap some info from the first post for you: Avernale is built on the mouth of the river Lethe and the entire west Makarya region has a long history of agriculture and fishing, so neither food nor water are a problem, and being on both the river and the Pacific allows it to trade with the interior of the island (city of Mictlan) and serve as a stopping point between Japan, Korea and Kamchatka (Russia) to the west and Canada and the US in the east. Most of the city is comparatively young, though I'll give it an older segment in the edits. It gets the majority of its wealth from offshore oil refineries (hence its own oil giant, Yomi Petroleum), though it has a huge industrial sector in its north fueled and supplied by that, and obviously benefits a lot from being Makarya's main port. Avernale is a world city, so I obviously mentioned the Avernale Global Terminal and the seaport and the factories built around them, as well a vague description of tourist attractions and some nice things for investors (Pacific Central Telecom and Avernale Financial Spire towers, which I expect you will all soon compete to go Godzilla on). Basically, other than being a bit vague about its age and how its cultural influences affect it, it's all already there!