Eva wiggled in her spot, barely able to contain her school girl giggle as she watched Saina try and hide her face discretely as she turned around and scratched her cheek. She gripped her hands and covered her mouth for a moment before she calmed down. This was great for Urick, who never had someone, like him like him. There were alot of girls who went for his looks, but didn't care what he had to say....where Saina seemed to be opposite. Yeah it was weird, it was only a day or so since they met, but that was one thing she noticed about herself...she made good friends almost instantly with anyone she wanted. She watched as the two walked away as she then spun on her toes and looked to Maximus and Gippal. After a moment she smiled and walked to them, placing her hands on their arms and pulled them till they followed. Gippal was still bummed, Maximus, as silent as ever. She sighed, thinking on what to do or say to get them to talk. She looked to Maximus and asked, "So... where did you grow up Maximus?" They entered the jungle path finally, the sounds of the village slowly dimmed and died off.