[@HereComesTheSnow] [color=ed1c24][h2]Sachiko Tachibana[/h2][/color] [color=ed1c24]"Tokiwadai was a school I was looking at same as Kirigaoka but in the end before I knew I was roped into Hybrid. So whats your story something similar to mine I am assuming?"[/color] Sachiko asked as looked at her impromptu partner for the rest of the way. [color=ed1c24]"Also speaking of Tokiwadai if you want to see it so much Hybrid academy is technically its own island. Which happens to be next to the school gardens get high enough and you can see it for yourself. Hybrid academy was built on a artificially made island as a statement of the sheer power espers hold supposedly."[/color] She continued truthfully the island the academy on was artificial made my espers and magicians together like how they claimed hybrid was built for. It was a league of its own matching the school garden having it's own shops, stores and so forth. Hybrid island she heard the scientists call it was also divided into sections living, shopping, and school. Still to Sachiko all of this was pointless just man trying to showcase just how powerful it was or something of that nature she supposed.