I finally finished Phantom Tribunal 2: Electric Boogaloo [hider=Job Notice][center][u][b]Protect me![/b][/u] [b]Reward: [/b] [s]10,000,000 J[/s] 20,000,000 J [b]Location:[/b] [url=http://i.imgur.com/cI6VOCq.png]East of Crocus, north of the mountains.[/url] [i][s]You writing this down? What do you mean, you're writing this down right now! I told you to not right down stuff word for word. Audible groan, just erase it. What do you mean, you can't erase it?! Exasperated sigh. I guess we'll just start from the beginning. Cross out everything.[/s] Dear insert whatever guild we're sending this to. My life is in danger by an assassination attempt in exactly 2 days at midnight. Please come. More information will be given once you arrive. Okay, let me sign that. What do you mean, you can't let me sign it?! Poisoned ink?! You're fired! What do you mean, you're my son! I don't remember who you are! Just send the damn letter![/i][/center][/hider] Able to do whenever. It'd arrive on the job board when the group who wants the mission are all ready.