First of all: Hi! Nice to meet you :D Second: I'm not exactly new to the rp scene, but I'm far from a veteran. I got my start several years ago in the rp forums on GaiaOnline. I showed my roommate some junk I wrote and she dragged me staight into Adv lit @.@ I loved it but thanks to some drama, constraints on my time and a devestating personality flaw that I hope I have mostly smothered by now, I wound up leaving the site. I rp'd a little last year but the site I was refernced to was chat based, which I wasn't used to, and catered largely to the furry fandom. I have nothing against furries but it just wasn't my scene and it became increasingly awkward to play humanoid characters. I'm an artist first and dabble in writing for graphic novels. Every time I start thinking about plot and character development I remeber how wonderful rp was for that and miss it :( So here I am! I hope to make friends and find some good scenarios to play.