Done. [hider=Ross] [b]Name:[/b] Dr. Ross Bell [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Age:[/b] 59 [b]Personality:[/b] Strict and demanding, Ross has made an impact on the students of Southpoint High School for nearly 3 decades, earning him the colourful nickname among the students as "Doctor Bellend". He desires order and excellence above all else and as such his style of teaching has been lambasted by many a student who has failed to meet his high expectations and strict deadlines. Bell has always been a man who accepts only the very best from student and coworker alike and has proven that he is willing to discipline and dismiss staff as much as he is pupils. He seldom drops his formal and somewhat uptight attitude, especially while on the job. He considers himself to be strict but fair and generally attempts to stick to a code of ethics. Outside of his work, Ross was always somewhat of a loner as he often found other people particularly irritating, and became even more so after the untimely loss of both his wife and unborn child from complications during child birth. Ross is naturally very curious and dedicated to logic and reason; He lives by the principle of believing what the evidence points to being the most likely. Thus, in life he was an atheist and a skeptic who doesn't believe in the paranormal at all and it was a remarkable shock to him when he ascended. Indeed, this attitude means that one should certainly not misconstrue his strict demeanour as being closed minded or stuck in the past; Ross has in fact published several papers supporting and advocating innovation within the education system. [b]Interests:[/b] Ross is understandably interested in education; Indeed, he had instead presented with the opportunity to pursue a higher paying career at several points in his life and has instead elected to remain at his post. He reads many books and watches a number of documentaries. He has a keen interest in writing and has penned three novels. All three were science fiction novels. The first is a rather obscure novel that was titled "The Long Night of Solace" and centred around the crew of a warship which is heavily damaged and set adrift while transporting refugees away from a war-torn world. The second was written as a tie in to a video game series (And consequently was the best selling of his works) called "The World Eater", which was written almost entirely from the perspective of a villain. In preparation he effectively binged on the series established media and even brought a games console and all the series entries to get the story pinned down. It payed off to be sure, as the novel was well received and praised for its faithfulness to the extensive established canon. Given that it did well, he was contracted to write another book for the series, which came in the form of "The War in the Heavens." It was a hated novel, primarily because Ross was tasked with killing off a popular character which angered a very large chunk of the fanbase. Ross was in the midst of writing a fourth novel, another science fiction novel under the title of "Terra Nullius", at the time of the accident. Additionally, he has authored a school textbook that has gone through several volumes and have been used at several schools within the city. Outside of that, Ross enjoys watching films and tv shows with a strong preference for drama and science fiction (and a burning hatred of romance and soap operas) and enjoys playing chess over the internet. [b]History:[/b] Ross was the second child in a middle class family. He and his older sister, Amanda, shared a close relationship initially, however after she hit 15 the pair grew apart. She fell in with a bad crowd and ultimately ended up addicted to methamphetamine. After their parents refused to continue giving her money as she kept spending it on illegal substances, Amanda moved in with her boyfriend and Ross lost contact with her entirely. Ross was quickly slapped by the stigma of his sister by the establishment and became incensed to prove that he was a better person. His hard work soon proved him, as he turned out to be an exceptionally bright student. At age 17, Ross' sister died of a drug overdose. Ross was filled with abject hatred of illegal drugs after that point, and his sisters fall and death became a major reason for his strict attitude towards pupils in later life. Ross has earned two doctorates in his life, a major achievement for anyone; His first was a doctorate in Psychology which he earned by 26, and the other was a doctorate in English Literature which he got when he was 32. He got his first teaching job at Southpoint High School when he was 28 and quickly developed a reputation among the students as being overly strict. He was promoted to the head of the three department at age 36 and was made deputy head two years later. Much to his Chagrin however, after the retirement of the headmaster at the time, the school brought in an outsider to take the position. He published his first novel on his 40th Birthday, fulfilling a life long ambition of his and sparking a relatively successful literary career. At age 46, he was made the headmaster of Southpoint following the early retirement (read; dismissal) of his predecessor. He quickly set to work attempting to address the rapidly falling standards at the school and in the space of four years the schools exam results climbed up again. A considerable number of teachers were dismissed and replaced during this time dies to "inadequate performance." A little over a year ago, following the release of his third book, Ross was offered a position as the lead writer on a successful TV Show "Empire". Although the pay was double what he was making he turned down the offer and remained as Headmaster. Four days ago, his car was damaged after a learner driver crashed into it while trying to park. While it was being repaired, Ross took to using the public transport system; This choice would prove to be fatal as he was killed in the crash. [b]Appearance:[/b] Ross is a relatively stereotypical headmaster in terms of appearance; His hair is short, neatly combed and has turned grey with age, thinning at the back. He has icy blue eyes and his brows are drawn in such a way as to give his face a permanent frown. He once stood at 6'2 but has gradually began to shrink as he aged. At the time of his death, he stood at just under 6'. [b]Notes:[/b] Not really [/hider]