[center][img]http://i1273.photobucket.com/albums/y403/Absolute_Grace/swdfghj_zpsm6lkrsey.png[/img][/center] “Is that so? I see…” She hid her bemusement behind a straight face. It appeared that the trainee slayer really felt that he was ready to become a fully fledged Dragonslayer, if he thought he could injure or even kill one of the Sodality Slayers. “Good, I’ll meet you there.” She said, only sighing when he bowed to her. She hoped that Orren’s whole ‘Little master’ thing wasn’t rubbing off on the younger guild members. Feeling that she was no longer hungry, Evelyn decided to forgo breakfast and instead head for the training ground to set up. On her way out of the Mess Hall, Evelyn spotted one of the few female slayers and headed over to her. “Freya, a good morning to you. Oh dear, your hair. Trouble out in the field I take it? It’s a shame, you hair is so very lovely. Though I suppose it is more practical at this length. Anyway, I am on my way to test out a slayer trainee. I suppose that I will see you around. I wish you a pleasant day.” Giving a wave, Evelyn quickly moved out of the hall and was soon at the training ground which was by the entrance of the Sodality after having stopped by her room and the Guilds Armoury to collect her weapons and various practice ones. The Western training ground was smaller than the others and was mostly dirt surrounded by small rocks, marking the boundary. She placed the equipment next to the boundary and looked over to the gate of the Sodality where she spotted two forms. “Happy hunting Orren and Frederik and a good morning to you!” She called out to the two men who were just about to head out and gave them a wave before focusing back on her task of setting up a training dummy. Dragging a wooden pole into the centre, she secured it in place standing vertically and quickly attached a hay dummy to it.