Ezra was quick to rush off into the brush, bounding off of boulders and swinging from low hanging branches. "Hey, you keeping up back there, B?" He asked his Oshawott, who could was having a little problem staying beside him, but was still managing to keep up the rear. [color=lightblue]“O Shaa!”[/color] [i]”Naturally!”[/i] She replied, trying her best to sound casual. He slowed to a stop to accommodate her. He had a quote in mind as he stroked at her fur. "I only went out for a walk and finally concluded to stay out until sundown. For going out, I learned, was really going in." For several reasons, this little saying confused the little Oshawott. [color=lightblue]“O...osha? Otto shawott.”[/color] [i]”...Huh? You weren't even walking though, you were running.”[/i] She replied, causing her trainer to chuckle. "It was just something my grandfather used to say when we would go out for morning training. You just reminded me of my younger self, just then. Come to think of it, it's probably why I like being outside so much." He thought back to moments in his youth, about the hiking trips they would venture out on, or all the new pokémon they would meet. Then he thought about sparring again, and realized that Alix also walking the same trail he was. She was just moving at a much slower pace than he was. He waited a second for the sporty girl to get closer. "So there was something I was wanting to get off my chest," He began. "Have you had any plans for what you would be doing for sparring while on the road? Any sort of regimen or anything? I'm used to having human partners when I spar/work out. As much as I trust Brie here, i'm sure she couldn't spot me." He added with a chuckle.