[hider=Hiding In Plane Sight] Stan Stanley Stanson 130 | Male | Thin-One "The Names Stan Stanley Stanson. why are you looking at me like that? Can you stop staring? Sir if you Don't stop staring i will have to arrest you for obstruction of justice" [img] http://narodnidemokracie.cz/wp-content/uploads/2015/08/tall-skinny-g-man-fed-agent-2e2bf117c.jpg[/img] Personality: Positive: Quiet, Serious, Focused. Negative: Stoic, Easily Annoyed. Powers: Thin Ones are able to leap great distances, spit poison that turns to vapor on impact, and are super human strong able lift a single ton with ease Other: Stan Work for a Man-In-Black type Organization anymore information is classified [/hider]