[color=fff200][h1]Gabel Wester[/h1][/color] [color=fff200]"I'm sorry."[/color] she stated again looking at the dead thing that at one point had been human, she couldn't help but talk to it, she'd been alone for a week now, [color=fff200]"I know you couldn't help it. I-I don't want to be a monster too." [/color] Gabel thought about this for a moment looking down at the flowers she had colored on her nice white dress, maybe she could cover the dead man up with a blanket? There was no way she'd be able to move, then again maybe she could at least roll him off the porch. Sounds came from the bathroom scratching at the door as the thing inside heard the louder footsteps and Gabel suddenly froze hearing them as well from the open window. The young girl slowly backed away from the door just glancing through the window fearful the bathroom door might have opened despite it being locked, [color=fff200]"D-Daddy?"[/color]