[quote=@Apokalipse] [hider=Elizaveta] [color=gray][center][img]http://cdn2.crushable.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Tatiana-Maslany-Orphan-Black-youre-damn-right.gif[/img][/center] [color=7bcdc8]Name:[/color] [indent]Elizaveta Kedzierski[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Age:[/color] [indent]Twenty[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Gender:[/color] [indent]Female[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Power:[/color] [indent] Odynokinesis – the ability to manipulate pain Elizaveta is able to mimic neurotransmitters and pulse them from her skin, to another’s skin, and then to their nerves. However, the only neurotransmitter she is able to mimic is aggravation or suppression. Therefore, Elizaveta is only able to generate pain within a chosen area of the victim or numb the pain of a chosen area. Elizaveta often utilizes this power by creating powerful jabs in which she hits her opponent, rapidly striking at the nerves. Unfortunately, Elizaveta’s power is useless in the face of a long-range or fast enemy. The pain she can generate is of varying degrees, but is unpredictable as she has not gotten a hang of it and so every hit can be a light twinge or an excruciating throb depending on her emotions, usually. Every person has a different pain tolerance, and sometimes things do not work out well for her because of it.[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Nationality:[/color] [indent]Ukraine[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Bio:[/color] [indent] Trailer trash. Elizaveta hated the label with every fiber of her being. Being born into a poor family wasn’t all that bad in the Ukraine, where most people lived in poverty. But at the age of ten, when her mom moved them to Florida, Elizaveta understood for the first time what it meant to be inferior. Her family didn’t have much money, and the nicest place they could afford was a cockroach ridden trailer surrounded by other cockroach ridden trailers. There was barely enough room for the four person family – comprised of mother and young brothers, Nikita and Ivan – and Elizaveta was forced to share the couch with her younger brothers. She didn’t mind, she had always been fiercely protective of the two after her father died. Yet, when others found out at her new American school, Elizaveta had never felt more ashamed in her life. [i]Trailer trash.[/i] It followed her wherever she went, as everyone always knew – was it her matted, usually oily hair that gave her away? Or her clothes that were always filled with holes and rips (it was always embarrassing when she got dress-coded and had to cover the holes in her clothing with duct tape)? It was around the age of twelve that she discovered the release of self-harm. She didn’t do it much, only when the bullying got really bad. She tried to hide it as best as she can, but living in such a small space, her mother was doomed to find out. Her mother never told her that she knew, never said a word, until one day her mother unceremoniously pulled her out of class and brought her to a therapist. The matriarch had been saving up her money ever since she saw the scratches on her precious daughter’s arm. Under the care of Dr. Gagnon, Elizaveta was diagnosed with Clinical Depression. He believed strongly that Elizaveta’s recent bullying had helped bring the disorder out. He prescribed her medicine, but it was expensive and her mother didn’t know how she would pay for it. She managed somehow, but Elizaveta knew she was struggling even more than before. She was thirteen when she decided to do it. It was a tucked away area that nobody would ever see, and Elizaveta was convinced that nobody would catch her. Growing cannabis was the easiest thing she had done since she moved to America. Going to a public school filled with a bunch of medium-waged white kids made for easy pickings – she started with the smarter kids and the athletes, due to the “stress” they often had to deal with. Soon, she was the school’s pot dealer. She rolled in the dough off of pot like Rick Ross did off of cocaine. However, Elizaveta was forced to adopt a faux tough-girl act, so her buyers wouldn’t take advantage of her. She fueled rumors about her being involved in gangs, or having murdered someone, and even more ridiculous ones like being a trained assassin. Her mother was skeptical of the money and tried to refuse it multiple times, but Elizaveta was able to sneak it into envelopes and paying bills when her mother was off at work. At the age of sixteen, cops came snooping around the school after one of the richer kids got caught with a doobie. Of course, they didn’t give Elizaveta’s name directly, but they gave enough hints that Elizaveta had to halt her business for a few months. When the kid came back to school, Elizaveta made sure to corner him, putting on her tough girl act and threatening him as much as she could. He didn’t buy it, unfortunately, and mouthed off to her, threatening her back. Next, well, Elizaveta doesn’t really know how it happened. She was just so frustrated and angry that next thing she knew, her hand was wrapped around the boy’s throat and tears were welling up in his eyes with pain. After that, no one dared to even talk about turning her in. Throughout the years, Elizaveta experimented with her power, but it only brought about extreme results when she was experiencing tremendous emotions. Knowing that she causes pain triggered something in her; she saw herself as a monster, cursed by God. The self-harming started again, this time though, she wouldn’t feel it and it made her angry. She stopped taking her medicine and became a walking hurricane of emotions. She became careless. When the police parked outside of her trailer, she knew she was in trouble. Her brothers were asleep and her mother was at work – she couldn’t put her family through another hardship. She escaped by the window – crimes weren’t that severe over pot in America, so she planned to just wait it out. For a month, she lived with the homeless in Orlando, huddled in boxes and dining at the soup kitchen. At the age of nineteen, there was a slight hope for others to take pity on her, but most didn’t. A lot of the homeless suffered from diseases and infections and Elizaveta took it upon herself to numb the pain of them, though she couldn’t heal them. Somehow, her miracle healing got around, and before the second month was up, she was captured by the corporation.[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Personality:[/color] [indent] Despite the tough front she puts on, Elizaveta is a sweetheart in reality. She is controlled easily by her emotions and acts impulsively on these emotions. Elizaveta is protective of her family and will do whatever she needs to in order to take care of them, even if it is against her moral code. It is easy to manipulate Elizaveta and she often gets distraught when she is taken advantage of. She is withdrawn; but isn’t stoic, rather just uncomfortably awkward around others when stripped of her bad girl persona. Elizaveta is a pessimist and is severely depressed; she believes the world was meant to burn, but deep down she has hope for the future. When she is open and talking, she is sarcastic and sassy.[/indent] [color=7bcdc8]Other:[/color] [indent]Blank for now[/indent][/color] [/hider] [/quote] Looks good, nice and well rounded with a good amount of thought put into it. [quote=@Teddiplier] [hider=June Quennings] [center] [img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=108371203[/img] [i]"Don't dwell on the past, and don't depend on the future."[/i][/center] [u][b]Name[/b][/u] June Quennings [u][b]Age[/b][/u] 17 [u][b]Gender[/b][/u] Genderfluid Female [u][b]Power[/b][/u] Illusions-She can create powerful illusions. How she can do this is she "sees strings" that she can "pull on" and create illusions of all sorts. The only setback to this is after she does it, it becomes very, very tiring. [b][u]Nationality[/u][/b] Ireland [u][b]Bio[/b][/u] June was always an energetic person. She was so happy when they moved to America, so excited that she'd get to make new friends and have a new start. You see, she was popular in his town. But not for a good reason. Bullied everyday like a cliche movie, June's family had decided they were going to America when she was sixteen. They arrived in California, and June started a new life at a new school. But she was bullied once again. Bullied because "you're a girl, not a boy". She wanted to make them see. One day, she became so angry that she "reached out and pulled strings". She made an illusion that the people bullying him were their opposite gender with looks. They freaked out, and never bullied June again. But they still called her a freak with what she had done. Intrigued by her newfound powers, she began to experiment with them in her room. One day when her parents were out for a "date night", she was kidnapped. [u][b]Personality[/b][/u] Energetic but calm, loyal, ambitious, sarcastic, outgoing, and daring. [u][b]Appearance[/b][/u] [hider][img]http://www.polyvore.com/cgi/img-thing?.out=jpg&size=l&tid=108371203[/img][/hider] [u][b]Other[/b][/u] She had a younger brother, named Mark, that died at the age of ten (when June was fifteen) from a group that had been bullying him. [/hider] [/quote] Forgive me this isn't exactly my area, which one was Genderfluid female? physically male who things of themselves as female or other way around? Also the ability could use some more detailing. If these are merely illusions exactly how far can she take it, will it effect touch, sound, smell, can she only augment reality slightly or can she make massive changes?