[quote=@TheUnknowable] [hider=Anarchy] Name: John Carmichael Age: 25 Gender: Male Power: Release your burden: A form of telepathy, he can help you deal with your past traumas, letting you not be burdened by them anymore. This can also allow a Super to use abilities that they blocked because of such trauma. TO fully work, requires physical contact, though he can "read" the trauma of others if he is within a few meters of them. Take this burden: Requires physical contact. Can give others memories he previously treated in others or his own traumas. The target will remember it as though they lived it. Used to cripple or distract opponents. More serious traumas will require more time and concentration. Relive Trauma: Makes someone vividly remember their trauma. Requires physical contact. Nationality: American Bio: When he was a teenager he learned about all of the problems around the world that were caused by people forcing their rules on other people. He got involved in protests against the police and government policies, hoping that peaceful protest would get their attention. At one of demonstrations, however, things turned violent and the police sent out the riot squad to disperse them. When a group of protesters drew weapons and started shooting at the police a firefight broke out. He was hit in the head by a bullet and spent the next week in the hospital undergoing stem cell treatments to repair the damage. While in rehab he met a man from a country in South America that was run by a dictator. They talked about all of the problems with the country which such a dictatorship caused, helping the man deal with the trauma of living under the regime and, when he was finished with the rehab, he decided to go down there to join the resistance. He traveled there as an American tourist and soon found himself captured by the rebels who hoped to ransom him back to his government for money to fund their rebellion. He explained to them that he had come here to help them and, when they dismissed it as the ramblings of a frightened hostage, he slipped out of the ropes they tied him up with and disarmed anyone who attacked him. He told them that he was a Superhero, there to help free their people from tyranny, and many of them decided to follow him. He made a few rules for his group, including not taking hostages unless they were in the regime and only attacking government targets, and soon he lead his group to the top of the rebellion, hitting military bases and government offices to help the people. They even freed members of other cells from police custody and most of them joined their ranks as well. He also helped treat psychological problems within his cell-mates, earning even more respect. One of the rebels they freed was a woman with the somewhat comical name of Maria Garcia. She was also a Super but, when the government found out, they killed her family in the effort to capture her. She only had her photosynthesis left, no longer possessing her light-manipulation, as she blamed the others for the death of her family and was unable to get over the pain of their loss. John talked with her and, after he cured her of her trauma, they became "friends". She became one of his lieutenants and lead troops in several raids. With her powers restored, Maria spent the next few years leading many more attacks, and John eventually promoted her to being his second in command. After a raid against a government records office they found records which showed that a US Senator was helping the Dictator monetarily. As the one with the most knowledge of the US, John decided to go back and find this Senator, to bring him and anyone else who was helping oppress these people to justice. He failed. He made his move against the Senator, but the Senator had his own super-soldier which beat John to pulp. While recovering in custody the Senator pulled a few strings and got John transferred to a "private facility", namely the Center, where he finished his recovery. Afterwords he became a lab rat, as they wanted to learn how to duplicate his memory-transfer abilities. Personality: Absolutely hates bullies and anyone who would force others to do things "their way" without a moral reason. That said, he is always willing to help people in trouble, and to help people free themselves from oppression and the chains put on them by others, both mental and physical. While he rarely interacts with others aside from leading them, when he does interact with others as friends or equals he is understanding and kind. With his lieutenants he is a bit serious, but will laugh at a good joke, especially a practical joke. He craves support. If he thinks the people have turned against him, he will lose the will to fight for them. Appearance: [img]http://1.bp.blogspot.com/-T0WsQ4gV0Iw/VVQR6V4OVkI/AAAAAAABLfE/KaEnff8XmCc/s1600/channing-tatum-g.i.joe_.jpg[/img] His armor and weapon were taken from a military base in South America while he was working with the freedom fighters there. He lost them when he attacked the Senator. Now he wears a t-shirt and blue jeans, sometimes with an unbuttoned button-up shirt. He is 5'10" tall and weighs 200 lbs, with a well-muscled build. Blue eyes. He has a scar on his left cheek from a fight against the Dictator in which he learned that the Dictator was a Super too. He usually has at least a bit of stubble on his chin, as he rarely has time to shave. Other: Non-power skills: Speaks and reads Spanish, Escape artist, contortionist, lock picking, hacking (though not decrypting what he finds), MMA focused around dodging, redirecting and looking for weaknesses instead of direct assault. [/hider] [/quote] The character looks pretty good, one thing for the non-power skills I think you should remove hacking, and if you could, exactly what do you mean by contortionist? Just that he's very flexible or could he like contort into a ball? [quote=@Jay Kalton] Okay, so I gave my character Pyrokinesis (the power to control fire), but for the character sheet I put that she can also create her own flames. There's another character that has Hydrokinesis, but can only use existing water to use her ability. I was just wondering if Orihime's ability to be able to create [i]and[/i] control existing flames is too OP or not. If it is, then I wouldn't mind changing up her ability at all. [/quote] I don't really think it's a big issue cause if Orihime didn't have the ability to create flames the logical thing to do would be to carry a lighter around with her, she sparks it then grows the flames for her own use. I don't think it makes a big difference one way or the other so I'll let you decide which one you prefer. If I was the hydrokinetic I'd carry a water bottle with me where ever I went. Maybe not as powerful as a swimming pool of water but it might save your life at some point.