Well, that would prove to be an interesting development. Barely ten minutes after he landed, he heard another ship went roaring through the skies, almost like its pilot was testing its limits. And over the roar of a ship's engines, and the slowly building howl of the desert winds and flight of its sands, he heard the sounds of war. Blasterfire, death cries, the whole nine yards. [i]Oh... Well then, I guess I'm in for a treat.[/i] He grinned, his pupils dilating as he focused on the distance, and just barely saw a war-torn city coming up over the horizon. Smoke was billowing up from it, and he saw WTO soldiers flying through the air, engaging the natives. [i]That answers one question, at least.[/i] The new question was whether or not he'd last long enough in a straight-up fight against WTO soldiers, or if there would be enough around to force him to power up. Deciding that caution was now to be thrown to the wind, Dredge slowly levitated into the air. [i]I guess we'll find out.[/i] Thought the gray-haired human, before he blasted off towards the city with a deafening sonic boom, his nanite-influenced, electric-blue aura slowly building up around him as his ki flowed within him.