Name: Vasilica Anghelescu Age: 17 Gender: Male Position: Patient Diagnosis: Folie à deux Personality: Vasilica’s usually very kind, always helping other people out, well, the people that matter anyways. He doesn’t actually like them, or any living thing in general, he just enjoys manipulating people to the point where they wonder whether he’s saner than the ones who take care of him, or he’s so disturbed that any test can’t hope to scratch the surface. He has complete control over his emotions, and often uses that to unnerve other people if they’re bothering him. He particularly enjoys deflating the egos of other patients, people who aren’t very popular with the staff, using his superior intelligence to considerably lower their self-esteem. They can’t tell the staff about how rude he was to them anyways, because Vasilica is always polite and respectful to the workers, and they always comment about what a good patient he is. Other: His name means ‘King of Angels’. IQ of 157 Appearance: Vasilica has mahogany hair and pitch-black eyes, slightly bleached out tanned skin, since he hasn’t been out in a while, aristocratic features – including high cheekbones, arching eyebrows, narrow face and a sharp chin – and stands at the height of 6’1”. He has a confident air around him, as if to say, ’I own the world and all you stupid mortals can get out of my way.’ His scrub is always clean, and he somehow manages to keep it from wrinkling too much. History: Vasilica was born in Romania, and his parents lived in poverty. His intellect was ‘discovered’ by a famous professor from a university in the US, who offered him a scholarship. He and his family moved to America, and had a better life there. However, his parents hated the fact that they were having a good life, and their friends back home were still suffering, so they went back to Romania to see if they could do anything to help. They never came back. An epidemic had killed off their small town, and Vasilica was shipped off to an orphanage, though he still went to school. He graduated at thirteen, and a family finally adopted him. The son suffered from mental illnesses, mostly psychosis, and Vasilica’s high IQ made him more prone to develop it, especially since the son always nagged him to join his more illegal activities (Vasilica never actually joined him, though). He was caught by the authorities, and Vasilica was dragged off to the asylum to cure the bit of insanity his adopted brother had planted into him. The authorities were too late, of course, so they locked him up in the facility and pretty much ignored him.