[img]https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11811576_871450819608647_780364153725917860_n.jpg?oh=5eae355835c070d5b432a721ca9857b4&oe=5689401F[/img] Name: Ashar Tolbes Age: 24 Race: Breton Weapons: Ebony sword and Ebony dagger. Apparel: Ebony armor, Ebony boots, Ebony gauntlets. When not wearing armor she is usually seen wearing barmaid clothes and boots Spells (3): Icy spear, Healing, Ward. Best Skill: Destruction Magic Bio (optional): Ashar was born in High Rockbut but moved with her parents to Skyrim due to their job as merchants. Ashar grew up in Winterhold, where she heard stories about the Collage of that Hold. She spent many years in the College of Winterhold, hoping to one day be strong enough to go on adventures. One day a enchanting job was given to Ashar, who then had to travel to Whiterun to enchant just a ring. When on the road back to Winterhold she saw a group of The Companions fighting a giant, she helped them by throwing icy spears to the giant. Once the giant died the warriors offered Ashar to join The Companions, she left the College of Winterhold just after reporting the enchanting job was finished and returned to Whiterun. The Companions were the ones who taugh her how to use the sword Hobby: Reading history books and drinking. Other info: 1-Her favorite color is black, reason why all her gear is made of Ebony. 2-Has drinking problems, She once made a bet saying she could abstain from drinking for a month, she got caught drinking a bottle of mead at the next day. 3-Keeps some barrels of fermented snowberries under her bed 4-She only shows interest in the loot when it comes to books, she gives the rest to the others