[b]Name:[/b] “The Heavenly Archer” Samir Saron [img]http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/736x/19/dc/df/19dcdf25e01a72606adbcc0fbea5e69c.jpg[/img] (Won't have the Elven Ears) [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Birthday:[/b] April 30th [b]Magic:[/b] [hider=Magic: Requip and Bow Magic]Powers for her requip include: [b]The Heavenly Archer:[/b] In this mode, she wears gold battle armor and her bow is upgraded to fire Angel Arrows, which are super fast light arrows that can slice through almost anything. [b]The Flaming Volcanic Archer:[/b] In this mode, she wears a dark-red, gold and black armor pieces that are shaped to look like flames, with bulky-looking spikes on her shoulder pads, Her hair turns a fiery red as her bow can fire flaming arrows that explode on contact with any solid surface. [b]The Stingray Archer:[/b] In this mode, she wears a skimpy fish-based bikini, a fancy aquamarine crown, with a long barb-like tail on her back. Her bow can fire water arrows, that can drench fire and even water plants (Eco friendly!) [b]The Crossbow Maiden:[/b] In this mode, she wears knight-like armor and wields a powerful rapid fire crossbow, which can cause devastating damage to her opponent. Her armor is also very strong as well. And more to be revealed in the future...[/hider] [b]Magic Level:[/b] A [b]History:[/b] Samir was born in a small village next to a village and was raised up by her noble parents. She was a pretty normal kid and was usually happy about life, spending time in luxury with her parents and playing with her friends. She also loved archery and would often go into the woods with her father to get food for her family. However, all that changed when an unknown dark guild sent a raiding party to the village in order to get valuable supplies. By that time, Samir was 10 and was surprisingly well skilled with a bow and arrow. She fought bravely, killing several dark wizards and mercenaries. Yet Samir got badly injured by a slash to her right shoulder, forcing her to retreat and evacuate her beloved home. Her parents also perished during the sacking as well. This event will scar Samir for the rest of her life... Samir was the sole survivor of the attack on her village and headed into the forest alone, trying to seek shelter. Luckily, she was found by a small group of hunters from the village, who happened to be coming back from a hunt and found her all alone. After Samir told them of the attack, they took her along to Magnolia and rented a house in Magnolia. 2 years later, as Samir was walking in the village, she happened to cross by a member of the guild Phoenix Wing, who invited her into the guild. She gladly joined and trained her hardest to become a powerful warrior. By the age of 16, she became one of the most skilled of the archer magics and is highly respected by many in the guild. She has been out on very long missions and has been off the radar several times over, with some people even forgetting she even existed. But when she comes back, she comes back gloriously, with her fame and respect still in tact. At least for the veterans that is... [b]Personality:[/b] Very much like Erza, Samir is often described as very strict and often barks at people due to bad behavior or otherwise. Yet unlike her, she is much more kind and gentle, with the fact that her former personality comes in very rarely. [b]Guild and guild mark location:[/b] Phoenix Wing; Left Shoulder [b]Team Members:[/b] N/A [b]Three Strengths:[/b] [b]1.[/b] She is very intelligent and strategic. Great fashion sense must I add. [b]2.[/b] She is very kind and rarely makes any kind of fuss. [b]3.[/b] She has been known to be a great mentor, more on a motherly side in fact. [b]Three Weaknesses:[/b] (Make them Applicable) [b]1.[/b] While happens rarely, she used to suffer greatly from PTSD. She would freeze in place, seeing visions in her mind, and would not move for several minutes at a time. If in battle, then she would be vulnerable to attack. [b]2.[/b] She loves fashion, but hates to see people in non-matching outfits. [b]3.[/b] N/A [b]Greatest Love:[/b] Fashion and her comrades. [b]Motivation:[/b] To protect Fiore from all hostilities. [b]Additional Details:[/b] Samir has participated in a swimsuit magazine as a special guest once. Her favorite drink happens to be green tea. [b]Main Theme:[/b] [youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jzN4fJr4fv4[/youtube]