[center][h3][color=lightsteelblue]Niall Collins[/color][/h3][/center] [hr] [hr] Rosa Claire was well within Niall's sights now, the big castle that his father had sent him to. 'Aspen should be here,' was all the big male Lycan could think as he moved easily in his fur towards the building. His black fur was thick, especially so around his neck and shoulders, a warrior's mane his father had called it one time when he was younger. Before Aspen has passed away. She had been his twin and his opposite, where he was okay she excelled and where she was okay he excelled. She had never been a fighter like Niall, she was beloved by everyone, even humans that met her. Her coat had been snow white and he could still see the blood she had coughed up upon her pristine fur one night. She had kept to her wolf until the last moments when nature forced her to change back into her skin. He shook his head at the memories, trying to shake away the mental image of his sister's beautiful face and those speckles of brilliant red blood. Though most canids were limited in their color spectrum of vision Lycanthropes had a wider range of colors than humans did. His steps did not falter as he moved easily and confidently as he moved towards the building. There were already students gathering in the court yard that was stunningly beautiful, especially through his lupine eyes. There were trees blooming and petals falling constantly everywhere. The flowers were a thousand shades of pink and purple and blue. This place was obviously one of the most magical places Niall had ever had the pleasure of being. He had to pause as he came much closer, because of the beauty of the place. It was almost spiritual really. He looked at the sprawling building made of varying shades of grey stone and slowly moved into his skin. He noted quite quickly that he had forgotten to put on a shirt before setting out this morning but he wasn't quite worried about it. The staff, especially on move in day, were pretty lenient about clothing. Some species didn't particularly wear any actual clothing. Niall had remembered to put on a pair of low slung dark wash jeans and to shave his face. It always seemed that whenever he did get around to shaving that his stubble grew back seemingly immediately. There were staff members walking through the court yard informing students where they were roomed. As Niall was a higher year now he could reserve his own room but the younger students got placed in rooms emptied by the previous years graduates.