Calvin goes about debriefing his team to preserve order of events, and promptly returns the Roamer bikes back to their assigned stations. Without the presence of the many officers, Fuma senses the interaction seem to relax. At least, for him it seemed that way. He observes the woman's expressions and posture as she takes in his appearance. Yeah... He knows he looks different. But he always assumed it was a generally non-threatening appearance at the very least. "Hello Fuma," the lady finally spoke, and more sighed out the words rather than said them. [i]She's still staring at me funny... I understand, but wow. She's more confused than Selah was.[/i] "My name is Qiada Maya Lavandula, but please, just call me Maya. So, uh, could you please direct me to whoever is in charge around here?" [i]Whoops, she continued. Ummmm Kaida Maya Lava Plooda- crap I wasn't paying attention. This is awkward.[/i] Fuma straightens a bit as she clarifies her shorter name, and poses the question of authority. Well that's interesting, typically they want to avoid the highest level of authority on this planet. The attentions of "the boss" are not something to be treasured or longed for. It's a brutal reality, that everyone is a pawn to be used and discarded. If no one notices you, you can't be discarded. It's a fine art, the ability of being average. Don't be so good as to get noticed, but don't be so BAD you get noticed. A game of push and pull, success and failure, that must cancel out until your existence is simply erased. No impact whatsoever. It's rumored to be a nice feeling, but Fuma wouldn't know anything of the sort. "Good to finally meet you, Miss Maya. The scouts certainly took their time escorting you- and CALVIN didn't even give you a jacket on the ride here... Unacceptable. Well, at the very least I should answer your question. The authority figure of which you seek, would be me."