[center][h3][color=C11B17]Uchiha Touzoku[/color][/h3][/center] [@Keyblade87] [hr] Touzoku nodded in response to his answers, absorbing what he was saying. [color=C11B17]"It is good you were able to give me an honest answer in regards to weaknesses. You'd be surprised how hard that is for people to admit,"[/color] Touzoku responded, truly pleased that he hadn't pretended to be some prodigy in every area. [color=C11B17]"Knowing both your strengths and weaknesses is the most important part of being not only a shinobi, but an individual. Even I am not skilled in certain areas."[/color] She hoped that realization would set in. He should realize that he could spend the rest of his life expanding his skill set and still not be considered a master. [color=C11B17]"My skills would be primarily in a specialized style of kenjutsu, medical arts, and genjutsu. Primarily, my skills lean toward assassination,"[/color] she noted to him, [color=C11B17]"My weakest point is my ninjutsu. I have a limited repertoire of techniques in that area."[/color] [color=C11B17]"Our other genin that will join our team will be my son, Kiken,"[/color] she continued, [color=C11B17]"He graduated a bit before you. We will arrange a time for us to meet as a group soon. I'll be talking to the Sankage about getting a few missions for you two as well."[/color] [color=C11B17]"But, I should explain why knowing your strengths and weaknesses are important,"[/color] Touzoku added, back to her original lesson, [color=C11B17]"There will be times in your life that you will not have the skills to conquer the challenges ahead of you. There will then be times that the skills of your team are not adequate. It is when you realize and are able to recognize these situations you can avoid a loss of life, not only your own, but people around you."[/color] Touzoku had learned early on in her career that this was one of the most important things people could learn. She had seen many missions fail solely because of a person unwilling to admit they did not have the required skills. Often times, that failure was deadly, resulting in lives being lost. Touzoku had stressed this to those within ANBU during her tenure as leader. It had drastically improved the survival rate of those under her charge and many of the other divisions had started to stress it as well. [color=C11B17]"So Akira, what your aspirations as a shinobi?"[/color]