Kazdar quickly pushed past Vera, panic in his eyes, his breath coming fast. This was not how he wanted to first get into Vera's home, as he'd always had eyes on the pretty young smith. He'd always looked at her from afar, never having the nerve to approach her or her father. Now he feared it might be too late for the both of them. He turned and faced her, "We need to get you out of here, you and your father. The Reckoning is beginning!" His voice was rushed and whispered. Outside, Captain Iy'kayia nodded to her company of drow and orcs, and they began fanning out through the village. As if she was going to live by her spoken word. Only official documents from the capital mattered here, chuckling to herself, as she looked forward to slicing that dwarf from groin to maw. She was pleased to have not heard a single sound as they all drew their weapons from their well oiled sheathes and holsters. It was little details like that ended up truly mattering in battles. She drew her own scimitars, enjoying their glint under the moonlight. They were thirsty, and so was she. Captain Landish reentered the Barracks and Depot, seeing the handful of knights already arming themselves and barricading the massive building. He walked down the stairs into the store rooms, barking orders. They had a hidden tunnel installed here that led into the Underdark, as either an escape method or possibly using it to outflank their opponents. But he was not confident in this night. He wasn't prepared. Kazdar went to open the door for them to escape when a heavy pounding startled him. A gruff, orcish voice barked, [color=bc8dbf][i][b]"Open up, home inspection."[/b][/i][/color] Kazdar looked back at Vera, his face growing pale, in a pale whisper, [color=bc8dbf][i][b]"Is there another way out? I'll delay as long as I can. Get anything you need and get out!"[/b][/i][/color] The pounding continued, Kazdar, trying to make his voice seem tougher, deeper, [color=bc8dbf][i][b]"Oy, ah'm lookin for me trousers and am pissed. Hold your fookin horses"[/b][/i][/color]