[center][h1][i][color=6ecff6]|Helena and Henrik|[/color][/i][/h1][/center] “Humans have a patriarchy.” Helena didn’t bother looking up from the magazine, her eyes rolling over the image of a glossy golden Gancanagh mane and frowning at the browning roots. Henrik tapped his foot impatiently against the ground, squinting his eyes expectantly at his twin. The silent Huldra could feel his irritation flowing off of him like waves and, with a slight blow from her nose, she set down her vapid magazine. “Is that why humans have two world wars?” She uttered and Henrik’s frown deepened. Helena didn’t bother to look at her brother, but instead leaned her head against the cool metallic bench back. Her light blue eyes roamed over the sky, memorizing the outlines of each cloud and each shade of grey and white. When she saw a particular cloud appearing as if it was a cow, Helena felt the urge to report it take hold of her mouth – she clamped her pink lips shut with a steely, gripping control. If anything, it was a good omen; however, on the off chance that it is not, Helena better keep it to herself. Helena waited a beat for Henrik to say more about the subject he huffily brought up; when he said no more, Helena picked up her magazine once more and began to read – out of curiosity, not stupidity. “America has also never had a human female president – they seem very well off.” “Is that why there is no gun control?” “[i]I’m[/i] a male.” “I'm aware.” “Does that mean I cause wars and wave around a gun like a lunatic?” The desperate strangling sound of aggravation escaped Henrik’s throat and Helena allowed herself to spare him a glance, her crystalline cerulean eyes emotionlessly roaming his face. Henrik harnessed all of the emotions he was currently feeling and willed them to show on his face; his desperation, his inferiority, his sadness, it was all there – Helena saw no difference. Helena saw what she always saw: a boy. A vulnerable boy, angry with the position he is in, hateful towards the world – towards the Hidden Folk – and Helena felt her heart stutter in her chest. And, so, just this once, Helena allowed herself to speak her thoughts, her secrets: “Do you wonder what human females feel like?” She started, once again allowing her head to loll backwards so she could watch the clouds drift. Henrik did the same, though he only saw condensed water. “Imagine how you are feeling now, bróðir. I can only assume that is how she feels. Perhaps, the battle between males and females is instinctually; perhaps while one thrives, the other must be oppressed. Would you want human females to feel like you do while the men are the monsters you think we are?” Henrik stared at his sister and saw something he always saw: a woman. A strong Huldra, independent and freethinking, an unbreakable rock that is slammed into repeatedly by the world, but holds fast and fair – even towards the Huldrekarl – and his heart swelled. “I suppose not." The words seemed to light after such a moving speech from his sister, one he never experienced before. Her lips were usually so tightly woven together with silence, that he never knew her thoughts on such matters, except for the annoying lilt of the corner of her lips: a smile that hides secrets. As if his mere thoughts conjured her sway of emotions, the corner of her lips twitched imperceptibly as she stared straight ahead: a smile that hides secrets and thoughts and Henrik felt the overwhelming urge to yank her skull open so he could peer into her mind. “He has quite a nice chest, don’t you think?” Henrik grounded his teeth together in agitation.