[center][h3]link23454[/h3][/center] Link, still unable to shake the feeling he got from Cecelia and her weapons, all of a sudden got a different, familiar feeling. He looked around for a second, and what do you know, The Monster Fang was walking towards the town gate. Shrugging off the current situation, Link turns and flags down Keisuke, [color=DeepPink]"HEY, MONSTER FANG! OVER HERE!"[/color] Remembering his own irritation over his own "fame," Link suddenly turns back a little with a face of guilt, as though he did something wrong. Slowly, he turns back, [color=DeepPink]"SORRY! IT'S KEISUKE, RIGHT!?"[/color] Even though he felt a little guilty calling Keisuke by his 'fame name,' Link couldn't help but wonder what would have really happened that day if he hadn't interfered. Not to mention, he also couldn't understand something. The other girl player there that day hadn't been talked about in town, nor was she seen either at the store they visited or sitting in the spawn area tree she was hiding in. Out of gamer habit, Link asks, [color=DeepPink]"HEY, IS THAT ONE GIRL WITH YOU TODAY?!"[/color]