" Yes, she did kill a god. That in itself isn't very significant, but think a little bit harder. Kali kept order, and made sure being such as the Rakshasa didn't go around slaughtering everyone. As Odin said, I doubt Cythlla is up to the task, nor would do I think she should be doing it. We will probably have to figure something out regarding this 'enforcer' position. " Cynbel was just going into a rant at this point. Kali was an extremely important goddess, one of the key parts in making sure humanity wasn't getting killed left and right by demons. This girl didn't think of anything beyond herself, nothing about the natural order of the world. Hopefully, they'd find some kind of replacement for Kali, at least for a short period of time. "I'm sorry, I got into a rant. She broke the rules, engendered humanity, and seems to be plotting a coup of some sort. Even if you disregard the last part, she is certainly guilty. "