Masrith peacefully stood from the seat he had taken. "In terms of a crime being done, I do not believe one was truly committed, it is true that the strong replace the weak. That is a rule that has never been changed throughout time. Instead, I believe, if she were to be punished, it should be for the consequences we will have to face for her recklessness of killing a god with a role such as Kali. This could set forth events we aren't prepared for. I never knew Kali. I don't the the one who awaits punshiment either. It seems to me that this is simply a result of someone who wanted to test their might on or of the greatest warriors in the Hindu pantheon. I do believe that duel would have been much more proper but it is what it is. We need to focus on what will result. We shouldn't waste time sitting here in a debate of right and wrong." Masrith then sat down quietly and waited for the others to speak.