Darkness once more creeps back into the forests of the world. Rumors grow of a shadow in the East, whispers of a nameless fear that brought the world to the edge of oblivion can be heard. The land of Mordor burns once more, black smoke billows from behind the mountains of the Far East. The animals have become restless and scared of an unknown evil that grows in strength while the world sits by oblivious to what will soon come. Sauron, the dark lord of Middle Earth has returned, to claim all under his cruelty, his madness, and his will to dominate all life for eternity. While the one ring remains unknown to most of the world, a very unlikely creature had obtained it through extraordinary means. A Hobbit, Bilbo Baggins of the shire unknowingly holds the one way to end Saurons threat upon the world and the lingering fear of the Dark Lords return. Many miles away, a different story is unfolding as a group of close friends are about to be thrown into the middle of the conflict between the Dark Lord Sauron and the destruction of the one ring. On this clear starry night, a cool, refreshing breeze blows across the lands of Bree, summer has come to an end and the weather is cooling down. This breeze that travels through Breeland is more than the seasons changing, for something dark moves with it, invisible but leaving an uncomfortable feeling upon all it crosses over. The trees of the great old forest even blow with the breeze, bringing an odd silence to it. On the edges of Western Breetown a celebration has just begun, and will continue into the late hours of the night. The celebration is being thrown for a group of heroes that had recently eliminated a large camp or Orc Raiders that were destroying all settlements they could find in the Lone Lands. The leader of this group of heroes is a human male that has acquired the name of Raven through some of his actions in the past and the type of plate and mail armor mixture he wears. A party or celebration for their victory over the Orcs was welcomed by Ravens group as he sat upon a bench, watching a woman creature beautiful music with her lute. The music quickly picked up and turned into a jig of sorts where people flooded the ground in front of the stage and started to dance. Raven was not all too fond of parties, he wanted to be at home resting and relaxing by the fireplace for a calm night. That was not going to happen though, the major of Bree threw he and his squad the celebration and out of respect and while being polite, he showed up and did his best to enjoy all that was going on for them. The woman playing the lute glanced over at him and gave him a wink while singing the closing to the song that sounded quite suggestive. Of course women interested him, but Raven was very fond of Elven women, which had landed him in trouble a couple of times before. Quickly he brought the mug of ale up to his lips and took a long sip, enjoying its smooth flavor and texture before placing it down upon the wooden table in front of him. Raising his eyebrows a couple of times, he responded playfully before turning his attention away from the performer and walked to the back of the festival grounds to grab something to eat once more. Tender chicken breast that had been marinated with rosemary on top of it, a side of potatoes and some vegetables was his choice for this round, and he would be back again for round number three if the hunger and curiosity remained. “You eat like a hobbit, and that makes me proud good sir.” Said the hobbit that was dishing out the food from behind the counter of the shead that sat next to another that was used for serving some of the drinks. Raven nodded his head in thanks, not wanting to comment on what the hobbit had said, it was better to take it as a compliment, which it of course was. “Please enjoy, I must get back to cooking.” The hobbit walked away quickly to where he started to process more food. Looking over to his friends, he noticed they were off doing their own thing, either with someone else or alone. “It’s going to be a long night.” He thought to himself, wondering who would notice if he went home to sneak in a cup of tea and a book for going to bed. In the far distance, the forces of darkness moved silently towards the Shire, hunting the one ring. The Black Riders were looking for Bilbo Baggins of the Shire, for he held the One Ring, the greatest threat to Sauron and his armies.