Allowed large, rounded auds to flatten upon skulls surface, blend of fur almost concealing them completely as nasal bridge rippled lifting curtain of lip and baring quick glimpse of hidden ivory daggers. Bright hues watching as what smelt like a human approached, no vocal was made by herself as she quickly glanced about watching others arrange what they needed alongside vanishing within buildings innards. The sound of human treating her as if she was a house pet caused a snarl to emerge as she shook out her scruff and paced around him out of the brush further, her size more visible at this point and quickly separating her from the standard domesticated dog, [color=f26522][i]"Oh boy,"[/i][/color] was all she could even think at the way the strange person seemed so clueless, [color=f26522][i]"What kind of hunter is he even meant to be?"[/i][/color]. Thick pelt shuddered over large silhouette as she allowed slither of pale pink flesh to emerge and run down maws length, she would of shifted by now, but she had nothing to put on at this point so she just prayed she wasn't too high of a target by the hunters that seemed to fill this unnatural group. Ace perked up as the sound of ringing bells struck her ears, the sound very loud and partially irritating as she huffed hefty breath and replaced her sight upon the closest figure of young human. [color=f26522][i]"Guess I'll just follow him... He doesn't seem so dangerous compared to the rest,"[/i][/color] she'd allow to pass through her mind. She'd wait for him to move towards where the group was to assemble before trailing after him and keeping a wary distance, she had little to offer to the group at this point, but she was a quick learner in most things and would listen in and follow along until she was at all needed. She just hoped she'd find some form of clothing soon so she could return to a more comfortable size and blend a little better with the crowd rather than sticking out like a sore thumb.