[center][img]http://voicesfromkrypton.net/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/Krypton-1.jpg[/img][/center] So I came up with this Saturday while on vacation, an RP taking place entirely on Krypton. We'll be starting 30 or so years before the planet explodes and Supes is sent to Earth. Since most of what we know about Krypton all comes after it gets Alderaaned, I've always wanted a comic series focused just on the planet. Sure we have a few off shoot flashback stories but they are usually only there to add to some story like the average Krypton returns New 52 story. So anyway, my idea starts off 300 years after the fledgling Kryptonian empire was destroyed by Darkseid. All living Kryptonians now live on their home planet and the government has established population control through the planet-wide Genetic Codex due to the extreme casualties sustained during the war. In the 300 years since the Darkseid War, not a single Kryptonian has been naturally born. Over the past 30 years, corporations have started "cloning" programs. Basically they take genetic material from two long dead Kryptonians and create new lifeforms solely based on their DNA. (As opposed to the combination of DNA between two parents to create a "true" offspring.) Clones are programmed to do very menial labor (cooking, cleaning, factory work, etc.) and are all marked by a family crest to show ownership. (Think the El family's 'S') The global population is split about 40-60 on the morality of cloning. The forty percent seeing it as slavery. So far no open conflict has been declared and each population center has their own cloning laws. The clones are becoming less and less cooperative and there are rumors that some are even killing their masters. Krypton itself is ruled by a dual government system, the Science Council creates Legislation and is in charge of all things... Science, while the Military enforces the laws and protects the planet. The highest tier of Kryptonian society consists of long standing military and scientific families which make up a sort of nobility. (Such as the houses of El, Zod, Van, and many others) The military and the Science Council generally hate each other, the Council's laws of Codex reproduction and the military's ban on all space flight has driven a pretty large wedge in the upper tiers of government. Besides these problems there is a doomsday cult calling themselves the Eradicators that are bent on destroying all life on the planet for the glory of Rao and the possibility of an invasion from extraterrestrial forces. Players can take the role of either canon characters or their own created characters. Since this is thirty years before the planet's destruction some canon characters will not be alive yet. Obviously this includes Superman and Kara. I will be taking Jor-El as my character but people such as Lara Van-El, Dru-Zod, Jax-Ur, and Zor-El are all up for grabs. If you want to create your own character go ahead, just keep in line with Kryptonian naming conventions. Most male names are two syllables while female are three. (Kal-El, Jor-El, Kara Zor-El) Females who are not married use their father's full name as their last name (Kara Zor-El) and their original family name combined with that of their husband's when married (Lara Van-El) If this gets enough interest I will update as necessary and we can get something going! (Note* This interest check originated in Advanced, the RP is high casual/low advanced so keep that in mind. All this means is that posts should be a little longer than normal casual but they don't have to be novel length :lol) [url]http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3062166[/url]-other interst check