Name: Maheo Known As: Garin Greenblood Green or Black: Neither Age:25 Height: 6'0" Overlord: House Martell Preferred weapons: pole staff and dagger Appearence:[img][/img] Biography: To this day Maheo does not know who his parents are: and he is considered a true Greedblood born orphan. It was a beautiful day on the Greenblood river, not a single cloud in the sky. Ea: an elderly woman of fifty five, was gliding her boat home down the river towards Planky town when she noticed the most wonderful thing she had ever seen. Maheo: one of the ancient Turtles that lived in the Greenblood was swimming up to her boat. There was a bundle of twigs and reeds floating behind him, stuck on his right hind leg. Ea quickly untangled reeds from the old man, and watched for a moment as the turtle disappeared as quickly as he come back into the Greenblood. As she was about to toss the pile of reeds back into the river, she heard something cry out. There in the middle of the bundle was a baby boy. Ea decided to keep him, as she thought it was a sign from the Mother Rhoyne that he would be special. She named him Maheo after the ancient turtle who brought him to Ea. Ea taught him the ways of the Mother Rhoyne: to pole the boat up and down the river, to fish, to dance, to sing(though he didn't have the best singing voice) and even the art of healing. By the age of ten, he knew every inch of the Greenblood river: from the rivers beginnings in Vaith and Scourge to its end in the Summer Sea: and just like the turtle he was named after, Maheo became wise beyond is years. However after a while, Meheo became restless. He longed to learn how to fight and frequently asked Ea find someone to teach him; she refused every time. However, he would not be deterred: he took one of the old boat poles, shortened it so was his height and practiced with it early in the morning before Ea woke and late at night after she fell asleep. Three years later at the age of thirteen, he went off on his own for the first time. He traveled all across Dorne: from the Step Stones to the Red Mountains. He eventually found a knight named Torin from house Shell willing to teach him. Torin was not especially gifted in the ways of the sword, so instead taught him how to wield a knife and hand to hand combat skills. Torin soon realized that Maheo had a natural talent for it and soon passed the skills of his mentor in addition to the skills he had taught himself with the shortened pole staff. His whole body became a weapon as he trained from dawn til dusk; and he loved every single minute of it. Every time he would master some new skill, he would think of a way to make it harder and master it again. Torin also instilled in him loyalty and honor to Dorne and to the Martells. After six years of training with Torin, Maheo felt the pull of the Mother Rhyone urging him to return to the Greenblood. He returned only to find that Ea had died two years prior. Maheo morned the loss of Ea for weeks, the only maternal figure that he knew was gone. With Ea, and the pole boat she had built gone(taken by another Greenblood orphan) he needed to make one for himself. It took him seven months to build: but when it was done, he knew that Ea and even the Mother Rhoyne would have been impressed. He travels up and down the greenblood river, hiring his services to people who need it but regularly does jobs for the Martells for no charge. His singular passion to perfect his combat skills makes him very good a mercenary jobs. He loves the thrill of a new challenge, which makes him very competitive. Personality: is extremely calm, content and quiet around strangers. Is slow to trust, but once a friend he is very outgoing and always seems to be smiling. WIP. Input welcomed