Abel narrowed his green-grey eyes ever so slightly as Steven suggested the others continue on ahead if they didn't care to help the kid search for his oddly specific flower. He just wanted to get those two all to himself, huh? They were already at their rest stop location, so what else was to be done with the day besides grab a hot meal and sleep? What a pig! [color=bisque][i]You don't fool me. News flash, kid-- they're way too old for you![/i][/color] Of course, Abel didn't know any of their ages, but it seemed likely. He glanced sideways at Lyra-- was Lyra too old for [i]him[/i]? You could never tell with elves, could you? He wondered how in the world elves were able to tell amongst themselves. Maybe age didn't matter in their society. Hell if he would ever learn that sort of crucial information while living amidst a bunch of rock sucking dwarves, though. Bagh! He inwardly waived the thought away as he absentmindedly took the pebble out of his mouth and subtly tossed it aside. Anyway, he had no idea what a "detèmine" was. Flowers were definitely not Abel's forte, but it struck him as odd that the boy needed such a specific flower simply because his mother was sad. Perhaps it was her favorite flower? Apparently some shoemaker told him it was out here. Maybe he'd been playing a cruel trick on the boy. He felt sympathy for the child, but Abel didn't want to be the one to tell the kid he'd been duped-- nor that flowers don't magically make people happy when they are sad... especially when they are 'very, very sad'. He waited pensively for the boy to give his name.