Thanneth was not one for parties, but this time was different. This was not an event where she could make a brief appearance and then disappear to tend to Esgal. No, this party was in their honor, so she would stay til the end. At least, she would try. Whether she made it or not depended on if the humans kept eyeing her like that. Woman or not, she was a warrior and an elf, and had no desire for a man's company for the night. Even if she did, she had standards. Taking a sip from her tankard, she pointedly ignored another man trying to get her attention. If it was urgent, he would come to her. If not, it - and he - could wait. The women, on the other hand, Thanneth was not averse to spending time with. Women did not preposition her; they simply wanted to hear elven tales. That she could do. Her stories of Mirkwood attracted more women and a few men, drawn in by an elf's storytelling voice and tales of adventure in a far-off realm.