Despite being only a few hundred of kilometers from home Estelle had already noticed how different England was from her home in continental europe, in her view the different from her home in the sunny fields by the alps to this ever-overcast island was a clear frontier between the life she had been leading to what the future would hold for her, it was the time to forsake what was gentle and to make her body and mind into the same steel that composes a sword... "My sword right now is a paperboard though" she whispered to herself, interrupting her own introspection and quickly noticing that by now she was already in front of the gate. She was still not sure if joining the hunters would be smart or not, she was not one to trust others, specially authorities, she could already picture herself being yelled at, yet, it was her chance to develop her power. If there was one thing that frustrated her was wasted potential and the idea of ignoring her mystic side in favor of a simpler life was just so wrong. With a sigh she took a step forward into the academy, hoping for the best, and maybe a nice bed, a roommate that wasn't too annoying and that the academy's food wasn't made by a englishperson.