Darlene's father did not even bother to see her off from the airport, not that she expected him to anyways. At least her older brother, Junior, was nice enough to drop her off. Though his goodbye was definitely not pleasant. "Try not to get killed, bitch," he called out from his pick-up truck. [color=firebrick][b]"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thanks for your concern,"[/b][/color] she shouted back. She thought about her younger brother, Simon. She already missed him and it has only been an hour since she last saw him. But she was ready to start her journey to prove to her father that she had what it takes to be a hunter like him. [hr][hr] One long flight and cab ride later, she arrives in front of the famous Academy of Solomon. Carrying her luggage in one hand, she entered without hesitation. There were already a couple of people here, but she did not pay too much attention to them. She simply wanted to get into her room and settle down as soon as possible so they can start the entire hoedown as soon as possible. She did not know where to head, but as long as she was going forward it should be fine. Somehow she was able to figure out where she was supposed to go; thanks to the help of some of the staff on campus. She entered her dorm and saw that she was the first one there. She could not help but wonder who her roommate would be, even though that wasn't too important. She began to unpack her stuff, which wasn't much. All she had was a couple sets of clothes, her trusty ax, and other necessities. She decided to stay in the room until her room mate arrived as she wanted to formally meet them. It was the only the polite thing to do after all.