Next person to arrive stepped out of the back seat of a rolls Rolls Royce, he was dressed in a white fine suit, chain mail hidden underneath it all. He stepped out, pulling on a pair of smart glasses brushing his blonde hair off to the side. Clipped on to his belt was a sword, the designs on hilt and scabbard were golden and intricate the sword looked new and clean yet old and powerful all at once. The boy retrieved a single bag from inside the car as he turned back and stepped up towards the school. "My, my David I would think you had date, but we both know that mean some one actually liking you." Another boy called out as he walked up. Edge dressed in black, a long open trench coat. Under that he dressed thick in black frabric with a with lots of pocket, sitting atop his head an old fashion witch hunters hat. A Van Helsing, all of them dressed like that a fear tactic as well as a good way to stay anonymous. Edge Van Helsing made his over the other Descendant, they both began to walk up towards the manor. David responded. "My family will arrange marriage, I do not need to date. You should really update your look Edward you look so dull in that." Edge rolled his eyes and as other students kind of stepped back watching the two Hunter. "My look is classic, besides at least I don't look like my mother dressed me up for the first day of school." The Pendragon decided to strike a nerve. "Well at least my mother is around, Helsing." The moment the words met his ears, Edge's fist shot towards him. He decked Pendragon in the nose knocking the larger boy back as his hand covered his bloodied nose. "You say one more thing about my mother and I will pump you full of holes. That scabbard my prevent your death but you still feel pain." He snarled and noticed they were kind of being stared at. Edge calmly head up towards the top floors. As he did he spotted Li, he'd seen her earlier on the train, he yelled to her as he climbed the stairs. "All first years go to the top floor, they've got signs up telling you what hall your in." He told her before he vanished up the stairs. David's nose healed quickly but he stared at the blood stain on his hand cursing that no good brat. Still he knew where to strike to get to him, now he just needed a way to use that. Collecting himself the Pendragon walked upstairs to find his room.