"Hm." Li nodded and followed James, bowing slightly once he introduced himself. "I'm Li Lane. It's nice to meet you too, James Ferron. Are you perh-" The commotion at the entrance distracted her. Figures, it was Edge. Why was it that she could never meet normal people on trains? They always had to be either violent or antisocial! Li stared at Edge as he walked past and gave her the directions. Once he vanished, Li turned to James and gave him an awkward smile. "I met him on the train." [i]'Sure you met him on the train, I made you sit next to him, Li.'[/i] "Anyway, let's go." She said as she started walking again toward their hall with James. A moment later she picked the conversation up again. "Which Hunter school are you going to be a part of? You don't look like a Van Helsing or a Pendragon, that's for sure."