[quote=@Ryver et Rhine] So .... A Summary of Colors AJ is [color=green]Green[/color].... Sparks is [color=cornflowerblue]cornflowerblue[/color] and Bits is [color=slateblue]SlateBlue[/color] Alistair is [color=hotpink]Hot Pink[/color] and Vali is [color=deeppink]Deep Pink[/color] Ethan is [color=yellow]Yellow[/color] and Ilana is [color=lawngreen]Lawn Green[/color] <=== how did I miss Mika's post earlier? o.O Cams is [color=darkkhaki]Dark Khaki[/color] and Omar is [color=cyan]Cyan[/color] Shoot, me, Rtron! I forgot Maeve and Kirra D: Anyhow, Maeve's color is [color=red]red like blood[/color] and Kirra's is [color=olivedrab] anything but drab (probably snarky) olive[/color] First person to go [color=indigo]indigo[/color] needs to be told to babysit Reri. :C [/quote] Felt I should make note of this, since it's been so long! Elliot is [color=deepskyblue]Deep Sky Blue, or #00BFFF[/color]. Renault is [color=orangered]Orange Red, or #FF4500[/color].