[quote=@MiddleEarthRoze] [@ActRaiserTheReturned] My fault for not mentioning it before, but I'd prefer for you to put your finished CS' in the OC, and when I approve them, they can go in the CS tab. First of all when I say sexuality, I mean what they prefer in their partners. Hetero, homo, pan, asexual, stuff like that. Secondly, I'm going to need a whole load more of detail in your appearance. Thirdly, you haven't exactly explained how the curse from Kali came about, or why it happened rather than she just killing him as she would with any other unimportant Hunter that came along. "...rather than being a weapon developer/weapon's scientist/researcher for the U.S army..." : This sentence! Are these random examples, or was this his actual job? If so, he'd have to be pretty much a borderline genius to get a job like that at such a young age. You haven't elaborated on why he decided to do this job when his obvious choice was to be a Hunter. Hunter's don't have day jobs beyond working a bar or being a mechanic, really. Also, why has this Asclepius God decided to help a random hunter? I'll have to rule out invulnerability too. Immortality I can live with, but there's no-way a Demi-God would be harder to kill than a demon or an Angel. Enhanced strength and quicker reflexes, on top of the increased healing - but the healing is to a certain extent. Certain wounds will take longer to heal than others, just like with Angels. [@ArenaSnow] That sounds great! I'm happy with a Shapeshifter - and let's be honest, Hunter's are never squeaky clean, regardless of what they are. [/quote] Okay. Not total invulnerability. Just high durability, does that make sense? I will edit it.