[hider=This is my Interested Post / WIP][center][img]http://i.imgur.com/ivmgiXH.jpg?1[/img][/center] [color=???]Full Name:[/color] Vincent Cabaluna. Calls himself Vince. [color=???]Age:[/color] I don't know several eons maybe? Either way the body at the very least looks to be in the late 20s or early 30s. [color=???]Species:[/color] Dullahan - A headless rider, usually on a black horse who carries their own head on one arm. [color=???]Gender:[/color] Identifies itself as Male [color=???]Sexuality:[/color] Asexual/Homosexual [color=???]Personality:[/color] Vince is a flirtatious guy, with little intent on actually being in a relationship anytime soon. He is a guy who likes to play around with people flirting with them whether they are a guy or girl and no limit on age. Whether being a crush to a child, or a forbidden fruit to a neighborhood mom his playfulness shows no bound. When he isn't flirting with you, he can be quite the gentleman, holding doors and doing everything for you like he was your date which circles back into his flirtatious personality again. Either way, he is a good host have a decent amount of manners and politeness to engage in civil conversation without oozing out what he normally does. It wouldn't be much of a stretch to say that beneath everything, Veince is quite a manipulative person whether he knows it or not. [color=???]Backstory:[/color] ((This doesn't have to be super in depth - but I'd like to know what brought your character to hunting. Depending on their species, how were they afflicted/made this way? Do they have any past relationships with other characters? If you'd like some of your story to remain hidden, that's fine, as long as it eventually comes out in the roleplay. If you'd like it to affect the plot, or a canon character, send me a PM. :) )) [color=???]Extra:[/color] ((Anything you want to put in here that doesn't fall into the other categories; such as certain powers they may have, what car they drive, what their preferred weapons are, etc.))[/hider]