[@LPFan][@Love Me Dead] It didn't take long at all for him to swing the aim of his Mosin towards the newcomer as he seemed to do the same with a tiny little revolver. He quietly wondered to himself if he had any rounds for it as he asked for identification. If the man did have a full cylinder, it was likely he could rattle them all off in his direction in the time it took for him to cycle the bolt. Moving steadily towards a porch-column to lean against, he kept a solid bead against the man as he spoke, slowly. "I am only passing through. Are you this girl's father?" Gabel's protests barely registered to him, he was locked in a standoff with a man he did not trust who he'd just witnessed breaking-into and out-of someone else's home for god knows what reasons; he eyed the excessively-large green ruck with a hip-strap on his back. If things went bad, he'd only get one shot at bringing this guy down without joining him.