[h3]Non-sentient Species/Animals[/h3] [hr] [b]Wyverns - uncommonly domesticated.[/b] [hider=Wyvern example] [img] http://orig02.deviantart.net/ca4c/f/2013/020/7/1/flame_wyvern_by_tyvik-d5s3pgm.jpg [/img] [/hider] -Non-sentient, less intelligent form of dragons. While they've been known to understand and sometimes respond with coherent Altarian speech, it is believed that wyverns do not possess emotions or the ability to think for themselves other than for necessary survival. [hr] [b]Raiju - wild/divine creatures.[/b] [hider=Raiju example] [img] http://vignette1.wikia.nocookie.net/onepiecefanfiction/images/d/dd/Raij%C5%AB_Fruit.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20110401125123 [/img] [/hider] -While it has been known for Raiju to appear in the body of a common house cat, a fox, or a weasel, its most common form is a lynx. Raiju are divine creatures, which means that they cannot be domesticated and are not entirely sentient, they possess more emotion and spirituality than common animals in Altaria. [hr] [b]Phoenix - wild/divine creatures.[/b] [hider=Phoenix example] [img] https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtp1/v/t1.0-9/12088342_425629877636477_5852776821588743470_n.jpg?oh=34fb6f57ad3b358be98e6033aff3156f&oe=5684FAEA [/img] [/hider] -Phoenix are at the highest rung on the divinity ladder, thus possessing the highest amount of sentience without being considered a sentient creature. There are only three phoenix known to exist, and are referred to as the birds of the gods. [hr] [b]Unicorns - wild/divine creatures.[/b] [hider=Unicorn example] [img] http://i.livescience.com/images/i/000/034/023/i02/unicorn-121203.jpg?1354578379 [/img] [/hider] -Unicorns are one rank below phoenix in terms of sentience, however their divinity is on the lowest ranking. Strangely, unicorns have been reported to have communicated telepathically and through emotions with elves and drakhons, as well as spirits, unlike phoenix. They are commonly grayish in color, possessing no bright colors, unlike the common belief. [hr] -[b]Wolves - commonly domesticated[/b] [list] [*][i]Timber Wolves[/i] [hider=Timber wolf] [img] http://vignette2.wikia.nocookie.net/the-fantasy-odyssey/images/3/3e/Timber_wolf_timberwolf_4_by_bluesgrass-d5thygh.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20140828175941 [/img] [/hider] -Commonly found in colder regions, usually in places with dense trees. [hr] [*][i]Gray wolves[/i] [hider=Gray wolf] [img] https://media2.wnyc.org/i/620/372/c/80/1/485198177.jpg [/img] [/hider] -Unlike common belief, they are found in regions with warm climates, sometimes even deserts. [hr] [*][i]White wolves[/i] [hider=White wolf] [img] https://pbs.twimg.com/profile_images/708594602/Arctic_wolf_by_Arctic_Wolf_Alpine.jpg [/img] [/hider] -Considered by many to be a divine creature, although it seems to possess no sentience. These are the most vicious wolves and are commonly kept as guardians of the household or to accompany small children that must travel by themselves. [/list] [hr] -[b]Hyenas - commonly domesticated.[/b] [list] [*][i]Red hyenas[/i] [hider=Red hyena] [img] https://i.guim.co.uk/img/static/sys-images/Admin/BkFill/Default_image_group/2012/1/19/1326984919302/Hyena-007.jpg?w=620&q=85&auto=format&sharp=10&s=f4202aa497cd739a5d20edb6a273ffd1 [/img] [/hider] -The most vicious of the two, red hyenas are often domesticated and then used in fights for fame and fortune. The fighting of red hyenas has not been outlawed. [hr] [*][i]White hyenas[/i] [hider=White hyena] [img] http://www.animalspot.net/wp-content/uploads/2012/09/Striped-Hyena-Images.jpg [/img] [/hider] -The friendliest of most animals. Commonly kept as a family pet. [/list] [hr] -[b]Foxes - uncommonly domesticated.[/b] [list] [*][i]Red foxes[/i] [hider=Red fox] [img] https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/a/a0/Red_fox.jpg [/img] [/hider] -Found commonly throughout Altaria. When not hunted, they are most commonly kept as pets by royalty. They are extremely loyal and loving when domesticated. [hr] [*][i]Fennec foxes[/i] [hider=Fennec fox] [img] http://a-z-animals.com/media/animals/images/original/fennec_fox3.jpg [/img] [/hider] -While they are still uncommonly domesticated, they are more likely to be kept as pets than red or arctic foxes, and mostly by common folk. Typically, they are found in deserts and warm regions, but have been removed at time for domestication. [hr] [*][i]Arctic foxes[/i] [hider=Arctic fox] [img] http://alaskazoo.org/sites/alaskazoo.org/files/arctic%20fox%20web.jpg [/img] [/hider] -The most rarely seen and least commonly kept as a pet. Arctic foxes stick to snowy regions, and take advantage of their camouflage to avoid being hunted or captured by any of the sentient races (more often giants than not.) [/list] [hr] -[b]Pixies - wild creatures.[/b] [i]Note: all pixies are female and reproduce asexually. While they have similar appearances to elves, they are animals and have no sentience whatsoever. They are approximately 2" (abt. 5 cm) in height.[/i] [list] [*][i]Death Pixies[/i] [hider=Death pixie] [img] https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/4a/2f/9f/4a2f9f576ddc44607fb985b70c8f73dc.jpg [/img] [/hider] -These pixies are both venomous and poisonous, and will attack anything that approaches it. They are widely avoided by most species. [hr] [*][i]Light Pixies[/i] [hider=Light pixie] [img] http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v501/Vampiress_Sakura/fairy.jpg [/img] [/hider] -Light pixies are easily killed, usually dying once being barely touched by a sentient creature. They mostly keep to the skies, even sleeping in mid-air. [hr] [*][i]Elemental Pixies[/i] [hider=Fire pixie] [img] http://orig14.deviantart.net/8d3f/f/2012/170/c/9/fire_pixie_by_palkiagirl-d542cq1.jpg [/img] [/hider] -Fire pixies can only be created when a fire is lit, sometimes replacing the sparks. They live and die quickly. [hider=Water pixie] [img] http://pre15.deviantart.net/419e/th/pre/i/2012/204/6/3/peacock_sprite_by_blazetheconqueror-d58ba7g.jpg [/img] [/hider] -Water pixies tend to live in small and large bodies of water...sometimes even puddles. [hider=Earth pixie] [img] http://www.acidcave.net/tomb/sylvan_pixie.jpg [/img] [/hider] -Earth pixies are the bees of Altaria. They help pollinate the plants. They are the longest living pixies of the elemental pixies. [hider=Air pixie] No image available. [/hider] -Air pixies are invisible. They are the reason you itch. [/list] [hr] -[b]Sprites - wild creatures.[/b] [list] [*][i]White Sprites[/i] [hider=White sprite] [img] http://www.dragonflyattunements.com/fpdb/images/whitelights.jpg [/img] [/hider] -Extremely vicious and attacks with lightning elementals. Do not come within 100 ft of white sprites. [hr] [*][i]Blue Sprites[/i] [hider=Blue sprite] [img] http://cdn.desktopwallpapers4.me/wallpapers/abstract/1920x1200/1/3462-blue-light-source-1920x1200-abstract-wallpaper.jpg [/img] [/hider] -More vicious than white sprites and move at very quick speeds. What appears to be the glare of their light is actually sharp, pointed spikes protruding from its body. [b]Do not come within 300 ft of blue sprites![/b] [/list] [hr]