The girl introduced herself as Li, and then spoke about someone she had met on a train. Then which hunter school he would be participating in. [b]"Not that it's my first choice, but I have been named a Witch Hunter by my family."[/b] he replied, still kind of annoyed at how little choice little choice he got in the matter. [b]"And what about you? To me you kinda look like a demon hunter.. Close?"[/b] he asked, not particularly interested but still showing some kind of curiosity. [b]"Oh and no, I am not part of any noble family like the Pendragons of the others. Though I was born into a family of powerful mages, if that's something to think brag about."[/b] then some guy walked past and pointed James in the general direction of where to go. [i]Ive seen that kid somewhere... Is he that Van Hellsing... Oh christ, it is as well... Fuck[/i] he thought as it slowly dawned upon him that he might have to be along side a bastard from a noble family.