After a minute or so lost Estelle finally found some tracks of where her room was going to be, before going on though the sight of a fight caught her attention, mostly because of the name, not exactly what she expected from a school like this, which was both good and bad news. Soon after she was back on her tracks following the flow of students that was forming on the way to the dormitory. For now she preferred to stay quiet and just listen to the others speak, it was the safest option after all first impressions were important and she wanted to plan those properly. Finally in her room she had the first chance to sit down and relax ever since she left France. Almost collapsing with her luggage on the bed she sighed loudly before stretching out. "To think this was the place that trained the people who executed my ancestors..." she commented to herself as she examined the room and her belongings "But that is the past, all I have to do is to survive, train and avoid being strange so I don't end up catching unwanted attention. Though with flashy people like that Hellsing boy it will be easy to blend-in"