Darlene was fiddling around with her ax when someone opened the door. She was a bit startled when a guy just walked into the room, and for a moment gripped her ax tightly, in case it was an intruder. But then the guy started to unpack his stuff, completely ignoring her existence entirely. [color=firebrick][i][b]"Co-ed rooming? Really? Well it's not that bad. I've lived with 4 brothers my entire life, but still..."[/b][/i][/color] she thought to herself. [b][color=firebrick]"Uh, hello?"[/color][/b] she said, trying to get his attention. [b][color=firebrick]"I'm guessing you're my roommate?"[/color][/b] She ran her fingers through her hair awkwardly. She was not really much of a people person, and was not really expecting a male roommate. He better not try to pull anything while she was asleep or else he will definitely get his arms chopped off. Though she didn't think she would have a problem with him; he looked harmless enough. [color=firebrick][b]"I'm Darlene. Beast Hunter. You?"[/b][/color] she asked once she got his attention. She extended her hand towards him, offering to shake his hand.